Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
The go-to podcast for Christian women seeking to balance leadership, embody Proverbs 31 virtues, and deepen their faith through practical advice
💫Top 2% Podcast Worldwide💫
Do you ever feel lost in the roles of mother, wife, and business owner, questioning your true identity and purpose?
Has the hustle of motherhood and business left you feeling distant from God and yearning for a deeper connection?
Are financial struggles clouding your peace, making it challenging to find harmony at home and in your business endeavors?
I am so thrilled you’re here! This podcast will guide you on a journey to financial freedom, infuse your home with peace, and help you step into your Proverbs 31 leadership potential, all while embracing sustainability and empowering you to feel like the devoted and impactful mom you are destined to be.
Hi, I’m Lemon Price, a certified Biblical Life and Leadership Coach, wife, mother, and homesteader.
For years, I experienced burnout trying to lead the world’s way in every aspect of my life, including family, faith, and finances.
Discovering the virtues of a Proverbs 31 woman and adopting God’s way of leadership transformed my life, bringing peace, sustainability, and a renewed connection with God.
Now, I’m passionate about guiding you on this enriching journey toward financial freedom, impactful leadership, and a balanced, divine life.
If you're ready to embrace the teachings of a Proverbs 31 woman, dive into God-inspired leadership, and step into a life of financial freedom and a tranquil home... Seeking spiritually enriched, practical solutions designed for dedicated mothers and wives... Craving transformative results like deepened faith, harmonious living, and impactful leadership – this podcast is for you!
Grab your Bible and a cup of coffee, it’s time to dive in!
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Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
Empowering Leadership with a Divine Purpose | #150
What if you could unlock the secret to financial freedom while aligning your life with deep spiritual truths? Join us on an inspiring journey where biblical wisdom meets modern leadership and entrepreneurship. Reflect with us as we celebrate our podcast's first anniversary, marked by explosive growth and the arrival of high-profile guests who bring fresh perspectives on redefining masculinity, empowering female entrepreneurs, and addressing tough topics like sobriety within the church.
Discover the transformative power of networking, illustrated by personal successes such as being featured in Forbes and launching a bestselling publishing house. Let this episode be your guide to expanding your connections and stepping into a life of abundance and leadership.
Embrace the role of servant leadership as we share the excitement and challenges of receiving accolades for Kingdom Impact and meaningful leadership coaching. With a dash of humor, we recount the 'heavy lifting' of managing these awards and highlight remarkable individuals like Aprille, who are on missions to serve their communities.
This episode offers spiritual encouragement, reinforcing the idea that knowing your identity in Christ fuels a life of purpose. As you tune in, reflect on the intertwined journey of faith and community, and stay with us for more engaging conversations as we continue to grow and trust in His guidance together.
Enjoy the episode, everyone!
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"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Mark 10:45
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Hey friends. So this was actually part of a live stream that I did. So if the audio sounds a little bit funky, I'm going to apologize right now. Sometimes the mic didn't pick up everything as loudly as I would like it to. I tried my best to fix it, so please bear with me. You can still hear me. It just may not be as loud in some moments as it is in others. So I love you guys. I hope you enjoy it. Toodle-oo friend, hey friend, hey friend, Welcome to Milk and Honey with Lemon.
Speaker 1:The Bible says in Numbers 14, 8, and if the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us safely into that land and give it to us. It is a rich land flowing with milk and honey. On this podcast we talk about stepping into that overflow that God has for us by becoming those ultimate Proverbs 31 women. Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister, friend. I knew God had something more in store for me, but I couldn't see a way out of the laundry piles and, frankly, I resented that. Proverbs 31 woman. How was I gonna live up to the hype? That is until I found out how to really step into becoming this Proverbs 31 woman through leadership development. In this podcast you're going to find financial freedom, leadership, growth and motivation so you'll be able to do all the things God has called you to do with ease and really step into that land of milk and honey.
Speaker 1:Hello friends, Rebecca told me that the live stream had no sound. Hopefully it works now. I'm going to tag Rebecca and see if it works. Can you let me know if it's working now? I don't appreciate when technology doesn't want to work. Hopefully Rebecca will see this and she'll be able to tell me like we're working, we're not working all the fun things. So anyway, I am excited to be here because I want to talk about what's going on. I've had some people tell me like I've had an exciting year. Like, tell me everything going on. I want to talk about some of the things going on. It's been a really kind of crazy year. We finished our first year of the podcast, which is now so insanely busy. We have guests booked out all the way through the summer and recorded and done all the way through the summer, which is amazing. I have some really incredible people coming on to share some really big things.
Speaker 1:I have wanted to go on this deeper theological conversation. I have men coming on who are married to female entrepreneurs, talking about how they had to re-examine what the Bible says about their masculinity and their role as a husband, how they can show up and support their wives and still be true to themselves and what the gospel says. I'm really excited we're having deeper conversations. I have an episode coming out next week where somebody talked about sobriety in the church and how you almost feel sometimes that you can't go to the church with things you're struggling with because you're kind of punished for it. That's why people struggle and don't share what's actually going on and they go outside the church for help. I've been having some really deep, beautiful conversations. If there's somebody you feel I should have on the podcast to have a deeper conversation like this, then tag them or send me a message. I'm having very interesting conversations with people that are deeper in nature. The podcast is shifting a little bit. We're still talking about women and leadership from a biblical context, but on a deeper level.
Speaker 1:Rebecca was just with me. I just taught a class on how to grow your network, so that really ties in with the podcast is growing your network. So last year at this time the Forbes article came out my first Forbes article and then a second one in February. And the reason I ended up in Forbes is because of my network, because of the conversations I've had. I have assigned clients, because of networking. My highest paid client last year came from networking. I want to encourage you to take this class with me. It's only four weeks. We'll be done before Christmas. You can come and hang out with me, because I will teach you how to grow your network in an hour a day, by hundreds of people, Not just oh. I sent them a friend request and now we're friends. I mean legitimately. They're in your network, you know them, you have a relationship, they can work for you. You can work for you. You can work for them. I will teach you how to do that. I'm very excited about that.
Speaker 1:We launched a publishing house. The last month and a half has been a little busy launching this publishing house, so we put out two bestsellers in a month, which is crazy to do, and they stayed on the bestseller list for over a week at a time each time. So we're now elbow deep in some new projects. We just signed another project. We're working on another anthology. There's a secret anthology we're working on behind the scenes. There's a couple of solo books that I've had conversations with. It's going to be a really busy year and I'm excited for some of the books we're putting out, some of the authors we're working with. We put together a growth track for the authors. Rebecca said join us in the class. I'm excited about the class personally. We have a lot happening here and I'm excited about it.
Speaker 1:I came on to Kingdom Alliance as the marketing director of the publishing house. I've been handling all of the marketing for these new books, which has really been fun. There was a few weeks ago I did like 13 live streams a week, which was crazy. So it's just been. It's been a really exciting time and I never would have imagined that this was possible. All of this happened because of networking and Molly reaching out to me and us connecting and all these things have happened subsequently because the Forbes article, the podcast coaching clients, me, even starting the podcast. All of that came from networking. So I'm going to reiterate what Rebecca said Come join us in the class, because my life looks radically different because of networking. I really want to reiterate what Rebecca said Come join us in the class, Because my life looks radically different because of networking. I really want to encourage you to come and join this class on networking. I haven't talked about what happened at Activate.
Speaker 1:It's our annual conference at Kingdom Alliance and I was not as present as I normally am with people. I spoke twice at the event, which was amazing. I had to fly in a day earlier than planned because of Hurricane Milton coming, so I ended up getting there early and it was just a big cluster even getting there. Yeah, I spoke twice. We were launching our first book, so we had the book launch party. We did a book signing with all the authors. It was amazing to have. I mean, we had almost all of the authors.
Speaker 1:The class started this morning, Cynthia, so you can still get in it. If you want in, Just shoot me a message or you can actually register in your back office. You should still be able to register and I can get you outed like immediately after I'm done the live stream. I'll get you in so you haven't missed anything. I love Cynthia. Guys. She's so cute. I got Rebecca Rebecca's on her Agame. I need to bring her on to manage my life.
Speaker 1:I think I got there and sat in the back, which I don't normally do. I'm normally a front row kind of girl At church. I was always front row in school, Even on the school bus. I just like to be up front, I want to be present, I want to be plugged in and worked on book launch stuff and was helping with beta testing before they went live to make sure they were actually working, so I was hiding in the back at a table and I wasn't as connected in the way that I normally am. By the end of the event we're getting ready for a gala. I feel like I've just been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I can't wait to just sit and enjoy everybody at the gala.
Speaker 1:We get to the gala and I won two awards, which were kind of crazy and I haven't talked about them at all, and so I want to talk about them and what they mean and why they make me so emotional, the way that it impacts my leadership. So the first one I have oh my gosh, they're so heavy. Look at this thing, it's bigger than my head. Michelle had to ship them to me because I was like these are not fitting in a suitcase and I left with an extra suitcase and I still could not fit them in there. So this one was a Spirit Award.
Speaker 1:It was peer nominated. They put out a survey to the whole company and asked the company who do you think embodies the spirit of Kingdom Alliance the best? And they narrowed it down to their top three. I was nominated with incredible people Karen Medham and Dawn Rose, who were both incredible women. I was honored to even be nominated out of hundreds of people. Once the top three are nominated, they send it out to the whole company and they're like here's your top three pick.
Speaker 1:I was sitting at the back with Ruby Brandy and Nicole Grimstad, which was also so emotional. I'm going to talk about it in a minute but Ruby won the Spirit Award last year. I was sitting in the back with Ruby. I wasn't paying attention because I was so focused on Ruby and her twin. I love her babies. All of my Activate pictures are me holding her son. I was so focused on them. Then they called my name and I was like, oh my gosh, I won. I honestly could not believe it. That really hit me so hard. I feel like I'm going to get emotional talking about it.
Speaker 1:But the fact that it was peer nominated and peer voted on and so everybody in the company said that I embrace the spirit of Kingdom Lions the best and we really are like a no competition in the kingdom type of community. We are servant leadership first. The fact that a majority of the company sees that in me was life-changing for me. Like it really hit me that that's how people see me. This is not to brag and be like look at Lemon, she's so cool, but to say that's really how I want to show up for people. Like I want people to see that I'm here to serve first and I'm here to pour out first and I'm here to love on you first, whatever it is that you need. I hope when people see me they see Jesus first, that they know that's where my heart is. So for people to recognize that in me at this event was truly a game changer.
Speaker 1:Anybody from Kingdom Lions who's watching this and voted. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for that because it really it's encouraging and this is something I'm working on too not being dismissive of people complimenting me or seeing something in me. Somebody just said that to me this weekend. She sent me a huge text and it was so sweet and I said to her I said thank you for encouraging me. I hope you never stop encouraging people, because when we dismiss a compliment, it may stop somebody from encouraging somebody else. If I say, oh no, that's not true or we didn't see that in me, it may stop them from encouraging somebody else who really needs it.
Speaker 1:When I have that encouragement, when I have somebody vocalize this like what it is they see in me and calling it out in me and thanking me for showing up in whatever capacities, that is a confirmation of what the Lord has put in me and what he has anointed me and called me to do. That is how I've learned to see it. It is almost like a little nod from the heavens that I'm on the right track and doing what I'm supposed to be doing. And so now I've thanked people for seeing that, because anytime somebody encourages me in any capacity, it helps me, especially in a business capacity. It helps me stay aligned with the purpose and calling that God has for me. And so next time somebody compliments you and they say hey, Rebecca, I see this in you. I want to thank you for this, Don't dismiss it, right, Thank them for encouraging you because it's keeping you aligned with your purpose and your calling, and so that's what that award meant to me.
Speaker 1:People saw something in me that the Lord has confirmed. It was a confirmation from the Lord of the person I am trying to be every day. I'm not perfect at it, but it's the person I'm trying to be every single day. I strive to lead as a servant leader, first and foremost. This just felt like a little God nod for me to say I see you, you're on the right path. So that was the first one, and then the other one. Rebecca, you're going to laugh when you see this thing Ready. Oh my gosh, it's heavier than the first one. Look at this. It is also bigger than my head, this one.
Speaker 1:I also won the radiant leadership coach of the year. Oh my gosh, I have to put it down, guys. I could work out with those if they weren't glass and I wasn't afraid I was going to drop them. Funny story about that before I tell you what they mean. So I win the spirit award first. That was the first one, and then I won the radiant leadership coach award, and that was one of the last awards that they gave out. They were the two biggest. I'm like oh my God. Yeah, I know they're so big.
Speaker 1:So I'm standing here and Ferris was holding the one for me so I could take that gigantic eagle award. And so Bobby was like you need to hold them both for the picture and you can see I'm struggling. But Michelle whispers in my ear. She's like I'm wearing open-toed shoes. I'm like please do not drop this because you'll break my toe. And I'm like, oh my God, no pressure. Bobby's behind me supporting my elbow because I'm like holding these two gigantic, maybe I should weigh them later. They're so heavy and I'm standing here just like holding them both like a donut. It was so funny.
Speaker 1:So that award was for the reigning leadership coach of the year and that is just a hard metric, Like that is not a peer nominated thing, that is like hard data, which I'm a hard data numbers kind of girl. So that one is for the person who graduated the most radiant leaders, the person who taught the most classes and graduated the most radiant leaders, and that was me for the year. So out of all of the coaches we have over 50 of them I'd graduated the most. So cool, she graduated the most amount of leaders to me graduating that amount of. Yes, I said I did look like a donut. Yeah, I did. I looked like such an idiot up there. You can see it in the picture. I feel like I'm struggling. I was like I have to hit the gym because this is embarrassing For me. I graduated the most leaders out of the company for the year.
Speaker 1:My mission has always been Kingdom Impact. I am working with people who want to make an impact. I talk about some of these people all the time. April I don't know if she's watching or has seen this, but I might tag her because I'm thinking about her. April joined Kingdom Alliance because she has a heart to minister to those who have had an abortion or are homeless and pregnant. She is starting a nonprofit to serve this community. That, to me, is Kingdom Impact. Like an hour and a half south of me, that's her mission. She looks at Kingdom Alliance as a way to help her be a better leader, help her be a better speaker. Rebecca, thank you, friend. I appreciate that, but it is that's her mission. Like. That's why she joined here is because she has bigger mission and vision than like outside of herself. But she has to grow in order to be that person.
Speaker 1:When I look at the fact that I've graduated the most amount of leaders. It is not for me, it's holy Hannah. Look at the impact. Look at what all of these people are going to go out and do. I'm watching marriages transform. I am watching people literally go out and change their community. That's what I'm seeing was again a confirmation of what the Lord has called me to do. It is so that people like like I want to be a conduit for the thing that God has put inside of you. That's my mission, that's my vision to be the conduit for what God has called you to do and to support you in doing that, to help you be the best leader and the best speaker, to find those people in your network and really know your identity in Christ so you can go do the thing you're called to do with.
Speaker 1:I was listening to a podcast this weekend and if you guys want it, I'll share it, but I was listening to it with my youngest, who's home sick. One of the things they said and this was my son's biggest takeaway is that God created him to win. Jesus did not die on the cross for your sin so that you could feel like a loser and feel like you're not capable of things. He came to give you life in the fullest and to an abundance. That is what Jesus came to do. A lot of people were pressed last week talking about finances and stuff. Yes, it can mean finances, but also in the thing you're called to do, live life to the fullest, like in abundance. You can only do that when you know your identity in Christ, when you know that Jesus came and he died for you. Specifically, he knew you, knows what you're called to do and he died for you. And so what they said on this podcast, it really shifted my youngest, which is so funny he's 11. He just turned 11 last week.
Speaker 1:The guy on the podcast I just bought his book, It'll be here later this week he said if I asked you, I'm going to ask you what he asked people on the podcast. If I told you that you could have four losses and one win and be a winner, or you could have four wins, one loss and be a loser, which would you pick? Most people are going to choose the four wins and the one loss. And he was like that's incorrect, Because the winner right. Your identity is not changed by the amount of losses you have. It doesn't shift who you are. You know who you are. Your identity, just like it doesn't shift the identity of the person who thinks they're a loser, who is living in sin, who doesn't know who they are, who thinks all these terrible things about themselves. They're going to pick the one where they win four times.
Speaker 1:I just thought it was so profound, because it doesn't matter how many setbacks I have, it doesn't matter how many people have told me no, it doesn't matter, I keep going, I keep pushing forward because I know what God has called me to do and you know what he's called you to do. When you step fully into your identity in Christ and you make moves, knowing that God has your back, not the universe, but the creator of the universe has your back. He created you with purpose. With every single hair on your head, you go out and you do things differently. You show up differently. You are a different person. So that's my mission here at Kingdom Alliance to help you be the person that God created you to be and empower you to do so. I want you to think of yourself like a winner, to know that Christ died for you and that you are called to do something greater than what you're doing right now, Because if you weren't, you wouldn't be here. If you have reached your full potential, if you weren't maxed out and done, God would have taken you. The fact that you're here, the fact that you're listening, the fact that you're watching, tells me God's not done with you, which means you haven't reached your full potential yet. There's something greater in store for you. So I want to encourage you to know who you are and to take action in doing that. Who do you want to be in 2025?
Speaker 1:I had a long conversation with the Lord this weekend about it and just some things that I want to do personally and the way that he has called me to show up not in secret I don't like that but keeping some things close to the chest, not even telling Molly some things that I'm doing and mindset shifts that I've had. Just some things that the Lord is really speaking in me lately in the way that I need to show up. I text her and Michelle last week and I said pray for me specifically in this area, because there's something they know that I'm called to do and I want to steward it well. I've figured out where my calling is. I figured out where I'm anointed. I just pray for this, because I really want some clarity on the next move and I feel like I got that confirmation over the last couple days and so I'm excited. I'm excited to have 2025 look different. So 2025 is going to look radically different. I'll be teaching a course on identity, probably in the spring I have a date written down Probably spring, we'll teach an identity class. Oh hi, justin, friend, I miss you. Justin knows I'm like a secret spy. Actually, justin knows I'm an undercover secret cop, which is a really funny story that happened over the summer that I think only justin and my husband know about, to be honest, because he was in my impossible era.
Speaker 1:I want to encourage you to take massive action, take radical action. What action would you take if you knew God was for you, If you knew who you truly were in Christ? What action would you take? How would you show up? How would you connect with people? Who would you be in conversation? What sort of impact are you going to have? That's what I'm looking for in 2025. More impact on a deeper level. I want to really get down in deep roots with people and have long lasting, major impact Like that. Then my cousins here are like what a fun time this is today. I'm excited that you made it into one. I love you all. I feel like I could go on a rant for a very long time and I don't want to do that.
Speaker 1:I'm going to go to the prayer call here in 30 minutes. If you want to come to the prayer call, comment below and I'll send you the link. Rebecca can put it in. It's just ourkingdomalliancecom. Slash pray. It's every Monday, 1130 Eastern. We just have a prayer call. It's open to everybody. Be encouraged by what the Lord is doing and how he's asking people to show up, how he's answering prayers. If you have something that you need to pray about, come and get prayed over and have a group of people praying for the thing that you're supposed to do or that you need encouragement in. If there's a situation that you need to pray for, come to the prayer call and be surrounded by a group of people who want to pray for you, encourage you and love on you. So that's what I have going on for 2025.
Speaker 1:As of right now, we're making some little secret moves. When I say I'm making secret moves, I'm not like leaving kingdom lines, I'm not like doing anything like weird or whatever. It is really about me and the person I know God is trying to take me to be. The person God told me I can't hide and that I need to prepare in a very different way for the next season, and so that's what I'm doing. That's what I'm doing, working on a different level of preparation, and so I'm keeping it close to the chest because I feel like I'm just working through it. I don't even know that I've talked to Glenn about it.
Speaker 1:If I'm going to be honest, I think it's really just been a conversation between me and the Lord and where I intend to go and I want to take you with me. I want to take people with me. I want to see people have bigger wins. I want to see people have bigger impact. For me, it is not about the amount of money in your checking account, but what you plan to do with it. Do you want a kingdom focused business where you can go out and impact your community, so you can have choices? I want you to have choices in how you make an impact. That's what I want for you in 2025. I want you to have choices in how you plan to make kingdom impact.
Speaker 1:So I hope you guys have an amazing day. I hope to see you on this prayer call in 28 minutes and I just love all of you until next time, my sweet friend Toodaloo. Hey friend, what a joy it has been to share today's journey with you. If you found a spark of inspiration or a nugget of wisdom that resonated, would you bless someone else by sharing this episode with them? It could be the encouragement they need to step into their purpose and calling.
Speaker 1:Also, if you could spare a moment to leave a review, it would mean the world to me. I really appreciate your feedback and it really helps our community grow. Remember, the road to discovering God's call for you isn't one you have to walk alone. So join me again next Monday for another episode where we'll continue to explore the depths of leadership and the heights of our heavenly calling. Until then, keep seeking, keep growing and keep trusting in His plan for another episode where we'll continue to explore the depths of leadership and the heights of our heavenly calling. Until then, keep seeking, keep growing and keep trusting in his plan. God bless you and I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye, friend.