Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
The go-to podcast for Christian women seeking to balance leadership, embody Proverbs 31 virtues, and deepen their faith through practical advice
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Do you ever feel lost in the roles of mother, wife, and business owner, questioning your true identity and purpose?
Has the hustle of motherhood and business left you feeling distant from God and yearning for a deeper connection?
Are financial struggles clouding your peace, making it challenging to find harmony at home and in your business endeavors?
I am so thrilled you’re here! This podcast will guide you on a journey to financial freedom, infuse your home with peace, and help you step into your Proverbs 31 leadership potential, all while embracing sustainability and empowering you to feel like the devoted and impactful mom you are destined to be.
Hi, I’m Lemon Price, a certified Biblical Life and Leadership Coach, wife, mother, and homesteader.
For years, I experienced burnout trying to lead the world’s way in every aspect of my life, including family, faith, and finances.
Discovering the virtues of a Proverbs 31 woman and adopting God’s way of leadership transformed my life, bringing peace, sustainability, and a renewed connection with God.
Now, I’m passionate about guiding you on this enriching journey toward financial freedom, impactful leadership, and a balanced, divine life.
If you're ready to embrace the teachings of a Proverbs 31 woman, dive into God-inspired leadership, and step into a life of financial freedom and a tranquil home... Seeking spiritually enriched, practical solutions designed for dedicated mothers and wives... Craving transformative results like deepened faith, harmonious living, and impactful leadership – this podcast is for you!
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Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
God, Yoga, and You: Exploring Faith-Based Practices with Michelle Thielen, Founder of YogaFaith | #152
Feeling spiritually unaligned or physically disconnected from your faith journey? Today’s episode features Michelle Thielen, the founder of YogaFaith, who shares her remarkable story of overcoming deep depression through a transformative encounter with the Holy Spirit. Michelle’s journey led her to integrate biblical principles into yoga, creating a unique practice that aligns physical postures with spiritual beliefs. This intriguing conversation promises to shed light on the potential of yoga as a tool for spiritual growth and healing.
We bravely tackle the controversial topic of combining Christianity with yoga. Michelle and I discuss how all practices, even those like yoga with roots in other religious traditions, can be redeemed and used for God’s glory. Addressing common concerns such as new age practices like Kundalini, Michelle emphasizes the importance of discerning the Holy Spirit’s guidance. By incorporating elements such as music and cultural expressions into worship, we underscore that faith can and should be infused into every aspect of life, including exercise.
Our episode delves into the practicalities of Yoga Faith classes, highlighting how different postures serve as forms of worship and surrender. Michelle explains the significance of creating space for stillness and listening to God, even in our busy lives. We discuss the mission and accredited programs of Yoga Faith, offering resources for those interested in combining their spiritual journey with physical practice. This episode is a heartfelt reflection on discovering one’s purpose through faith, the necessity of community, and the joy of spreading inspiration and wisdom to others. Join us, and be encouraged to seek, grow, and trust in God’s plan.
About Michelle:
Michelle Thielen is a keynote speaker, author of Stretching Your Faith and Exit Wilderness. She is a certified yoga therapist, founder of YogaFaith and teaching somatic movement through dance and yoga for more than 25
years. Michelle travels the globe to aid young, trafficked survivors through practices of yoga, dance, and somatics. She is passionate about helping people all over the world to live a life of purpose.
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"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Mark 10:45
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Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. Talk about stepping into that overflow that God has for us by becoming those ultimate Proverbs 31 women. Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. I knew God had something more in store for me, but I couldn't see a way out of the laundry piles and, frankly, I resented that. Proverbs 31 woman. How was I going to live up to the hype? That is until I found out how to really step into becoming this Proverbs 31 woman through leadership development. In this podcast you're going to find financial freedom, leadership, growth and motivation so you'll be able to do all the things God has called you to do with ease and really step into that land of milk and honey.
Speaker 1:Welcome back to the Milk and Honey podcast. I'm your host, lemon Price. I am so excited because I have my friend, michelle Thielen here. She is the founder of Yoga Faith and do not panic, do not turn me off for anything. I'm really excited to just talk about this because I guarantee you're probably sitting here like yoga and faith. They don't go together, but they do. Michelle is going to break this down for you. She travels all over the world. She is oh my gosh. She just does some incredible things. She works with yoga, dance and somatic, which is fascinating. She's accredited by the Christian Yoga Association Master School and the International Association of Yoga Therapists. She's bringing biblical principles like meditation and exploring different postures of prayer found throughout scripture. Thank you for being here, michelle, my friend.
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh. Thank you so much for holding this sacred space and having me on to talk about my two favorite things Jesus and yoga faith, in that order. I really appreciate it.
Speaker 1:I'm so excited. I met Michelle two years ago, which is crazy that it's been two years already since I saw you in person. I probably had the same reaction a lot of people did when they were like this is Michelle Thielen of Yoga Faith and I was like how is that a thing? I would love to hear a little bit of your background and how Yoga Faith even came to exist.
Speaker 2:Thank you for asking it During a very lost, dark, wilderness phase in my life. I had almost taken my own life. But the Holy Spirit audibly spoke to me for the second time and basically said if I had done that, I was going to kill my mom of a broken heart. And it was really clear and I knew that wasn't the answer ultimately. But it didn't take me out of my depression. It was just a really long journey. I didn't know what the postures were called, nor did I care. I just knew that I didn't have straight to stand, get out of bed, brush my teeth, these kinds of things. But God just took me through this journey and he had me read his word out loud, which was something if you deal with depression. You don't feel like talking, let alone reading out loud, let alone opening the word of God. But this is where our life changes and I begin to read how he wants to bless us and cause us to be the head and not the tail. What had led me into depression was an affair and divorce and losing everything. It was just a really bad time. During that time were the beginnings of yoga faith, without me really knowing it. It was just a really bad time. During that time were the beginnings of yoga faith. Without me really knowing it, it was these postures of prayer, these postures of urgency we see in the Bible. When people are kneeling, they're in a posture of humility, a posture of surrender. When we're flat on our face, these are cries of urgency. And please, we're also standing in the gap of intercessory prayer for others. But also this word meaning intercessory prayer, meaning begging God, which can include our own selves. I didn't know begging God was a thing, but I was flat on my face begging God. He took me through this journey that would later become the foundation of Yoga Feed.
Speaker 2:As far as my background, I grew up in a Christian home, but we don't really get to know God until the valley happens. We don't want to set up a tent in the valley, but it's certainly where we can hear from him when he strips everything else away, with or without our consent, and we really get to know exactly who he is If we allow ourselves to go there. What God can do with a surrendered heart is nothing short of a miracle. Through my journey, I was a professional dancer with certain athletic teams and radio stations, and we do all these promotions, and yoga was a big part of our injury prevention and we did it a couple times a week as a team.
Speaker 2:I remember one instructor saying that the universe was inside of me as I was in my downward facing dog and it butted up with everything I knew. The universe isn't in me and I just silently said, oh God, you live inside of me, your spirit is inside of us for those who believe. And so I was just really focusing on that and so it became a personal time of prayer and worship. But it also was really challenging because you can't really enjoy. You're always reverting your thoughts. And so, years and years later, after the depression, your thoughts. And so, years and years later, after the depression, after the healing, I was on my second 21-day Daniel fast when God spoke so clearly to start a Christian yoga school, and I really did go kicking and screaming for about a year and a half. I did start it, but I still had questions. It was actually my husband, derek, who came through the door one day and was like I've got it, it's yoga faith. I have a name and I immediately saw that T is a cross, so that people would know, and so I do know that it's definitely the niche that God has us in, because there is a lot of styles of yoga or philosophies that are anti-Christian and anti-biblical.
Speaker 2:But isn't that with anything and everything? We see many things in scripture. We see alcohol and dancing and musical instruments, and the list goes on and on. That's all psalms, right? Melodic, total sounds is the definition of chanting. These things are creations of God, created for us to enjoy, but ultimately, ultimately bring people to him, ultimately glorify the creator.
Speaker 2:And I wanted to just read something, one of my favorite scriptures in what yoga faith ultimately is. This is Colossians 1, 16 and 17, and it's from the Passion Translation, and I think this sums it up. For in him was created the universe of things, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and unseen, every seat of power, realm of government, principality and authority exists through him and for his purpose. He existed before anything was made and now everything finds completion in him. John 1.3 says the same thing, and there's a whole bunch of scriptures that say this. And through his creative inspiration, the living expression made all things, for nothing has existence apart from him.
Speaker 2:As a Christian, I believe the Bible's 100%, infallible, absolute truth. So this is the truth I stand on and I hope other Christians listening can stand on this truth. We know the world takes these creations and we know they use them for all kinds of things. We can take Satanists. They use musical instruments. Does that mean we can't play the drums or the piano in church? And so what we do in Yoga Faith is we redeem these biblical principles, yoga itself meaning union and unite.
Speaker 2:It is not a word we find in the Bible, but we certainly find union and uniting and yoking in the Bible becoming one. If you want to get into the definition of yoking, the definition that yoga means within the Bible is the yoking we find when a man and a woman become husband and wife and they become one. So it's not the yoke of an ox or the yoke of this or that, it is them becoming one. So I really relate that to becoming one with Christ. And there's a text in the yoga world called the sutras, the yoga sutras that Pantanjali, an unknown author or group of authors. That's where we really see the systemization of yoga and the journey towards what they call union or the journey towards ecstasy and bliss, and so I know that we only get that through Christ as a Christian. Ultimately, everyone's really seeking, but only one man can fill this, and that's the creator of the universe himself, who created all things. There was nothing or no thing that was created that wasn't created by him.
Speaker 1:Okay, I love this so much and obviously I love you and I already knew your heart, posture and where you were coming from. I just love this. Take this redemption and the restoration you were talking about. Isn't that Satan's ultimate goal to take things created by God and then pervert them and use them in a way they were not intended? I would love and maybe you don't have an answer. I feel like I always go very big general like church culture questions. Super interesting how you brought this up. Like Satanists use music, so does that mean we can't have music? Plenty of Christians drink or do these things and there's not the same visceral reaction that we get with yoga. I wonder if you have any insight. A lot of contributors. It goes way back.
Speaker 2:As far as a Christian, I believe our lineage is Christ, but there are different lineages of surrender and devotion. For a long time the Hindus and Buddhists have used the practice to worship in their faith, and there's many other religions, cultures, faiths or lack of faith. There's just a supreme higher being or some source out there. But people do use yoga as a spiritual practice. There's other people who don't. They just use yoga as exercise practice. There's other people who don't. They just use yoga as exercise. But why, as a Christian, would we take God out of anything that we do? A lot of people say God first, family work, it's really God in church. Right, it's not like church family work. It's like God is first, yes, but he's also God in our family. He's also God in our children, god in our vocation. We don't go to work and take him out. We don't go wherever and take him out. I don't go exercise or do things without being a Christian or without God being in the center of my life, in all things we do unto him. And the word says to pray without ceasing. I really believe that means like breath prayers. God was saying never stop praying and I believe that's because it's the breath in our lungs with every breath. It is Yahweh right, it is the inhale and the yaw and the exhale on the way. Even unbelievers are saying his name with every breath. So we're breathing, our breath is a prayer, our life is a sacrifice and we're doing everything unto the Lord and we really want to take people to heaven with us. Ultimately, that's the mega narrative of the gospel right Pointing to heaven. We are redeeming biblical principles for the glory of God, for the one who created them, are redeeming biblical principles for the glory of God for the one who created them. And I think a lot of times in yoga we see new age practices. There's a style called Kundalini that's very anti-Christian In the philosophy, in the energy and breath work. It's a style that we do not have anything to do with in yoga faith and I encourage people, if they want to call their classes that for some reason, that you would leave our name out of it because it is, like I said, anti-christian.
Speaker 2:You can go to a yoga class and see people worshiping the stones or worshiping gems or crystals or saying all kinds of things. But don't we see that anywhere we go and we always want to be sure that the Holy Spirit has kept me in rooms or he has taken me out. I've been to yoga spaces where they start channeling, and the Holy Spirit has had me leave. There's been other classes where they're chanting. I don't know what they're chanting, but he gave me permission to stay in the tune, singing hallelujah.
Speaker 2:And how beautiful of this love and community and union with others that we could all collectively worship. For me it was Christ, and for them I'm not sure who, but it's not for me to judge. And so I just ask the Holy Spirit if he wants me to leave when I'm not sure who, but it's not for me to judge. And so I just ask the Holy Spirit if he wants me to leave when I come across those things. Most of the time it's stay, but yes, channeling I'm not going to stay in that space, but you can come across wherever you go during your day, and that's just a fact. Anything can land on us at any time, even in a church.
Speaker 1:Pew, ooh she said even in a church pew.
Speaker 2:Come on somebody.
Speaker 1:She said it because that is true, like you. There's all kinds of things out there and I was going to ask because I know I've gotten this question how can you be in a room with people who believe differently or practice differently? Or witchcraft, whatever word they're going to use? They almost judge your relationship with the Lord. Clearly you're not hearing from God because you don't have the same spirit or whatever it is from me. They look down on you. Do you experience that?
Speaker 2:I think they tend to have a very long index finger and the Bible tells us not to judge lest we be judged with the same measure that we judge. However, we'll see other scriptures that say judge their fruit. I'm encouraging us to be Holy Spirit led in humility, If we're in the Bible and we're going towards God, that we would actually be fruit inspectors, that we would judge the fruit. He says to judge. We are qualified as a Christ follower to judge the fruit. He says to judge the fruit. We are qualified as a Christ follower to judge the fruit. We're all on this journey. We haven't arrived at the destination. I'm not a hypocrite because I'm not quite there yet. I'm on my way and so are you, but you cannot judge how I worship or how I pray or how God has led me to do this work because, believe me, I've heard it all and if God doesn't defend himself on the way to the cross, I'm going. Michelle, how can I defend him? You let them say all these things to you and spit on you and beat you. You never sent a word to defend your pure, innocent self. We know our hearts, we know our intentions. We know that 11 years ago, God called us to this work.
Speaker 2:Ministry is not easy. This is a deliverance ministry. We've seen so many people set free. We've seen physical healings. We've seen marriages restored Because people are getting healed themselves. They can heal around them. We've seen this beautiful healing take place. We know that God's been delivering people through YogaFace since 2013, and there's going to be opinions from all sides. There's a lot of yogis who are okay with God, but maybe not the name Jesus, and there's a lot of Jesus people who are not okay with yoga. We stay on our track. Lemon, you know this. You've got a mantle to carry. All these other things are distractions. When we stop to address one heckler, that's time that we could be spending with God or leaving somebody to God.
Speaker 1:Okay, see, this is why she's my friend. I'm obsessed with you. I just want to carry you in my pocket everywhere I go. You can be like listen'm obsessed with you. I just want to carry you in my pocket everywhere I go. You can be like listen, lemon, you don't have to do that it's so funny.
Speaker 1:I love this conversation because I see it all the time people who have such a strong religious spirit. It is intense. I used to be one of those people when I got my master's in apologetics and theology. That community as a whole very lovely, amazing people, very judgmental, yeah, With everything they're doing, and I was like this is really stressful. Honestly, it was stressful to be in an environment like that all the time, where everything we're doing we're questioning Did you hear from God? A couple of years ago, People flipped out because Joanna Gaines said that God told her to start Magnolia and they're like you can't hear from God. Full on, judged her, boycotted her. People were up in arms Like you can't hear from God anymore. It's not biblical it's extra revelation.
Speaker 2:I love that you have your degree and your master's in theology and apologetics, because I think that's really important, not for everyone to go get their master's, but for everyone to know their truth.
Speaker 2:And that's what apologetics really ultimately is that we know why we believe what we believe that we would have an answer. That's what scripture says that we would always be ready with an answer. It doesn't mean that we have to get defensive. It can mean that we're on a journey and that is our answer. And for me, my degree is in architecture and I love of India and now we've got the yoga of Egypt, scholars saying that it predates the yoga of India. So for all of us Christian and yogis or Christian yogis or whatever side of the spectrum you fall in that we would stand in our own authentic truth, be led by the Holy Spirit. Open your Bible, read your word. Meditation, chanting, dancing it's all in there. We don't have to be like David and take our clothes off to dance. But I do want to say that the world has taken that and they do dance naked. We see dancing in the Bible. It doesn't mean we take our clothes off and call it glorifying God In Western civilization. That's just not what we do, but I do want people to see that in the Bible they do these things. There's things that we don't do. Post-resurrection, right After Jesus ascended, we have all this grace and the law is no more. But just like Jesus said this religious spirit and that you're talking about. But just like Jesus said, this religious spirit and that you're talking about, there's Pharisees. No matter what we do and I think that's just a fact of life, I don't think it goes away we just need the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us and know our truth, as apologetics teach us. Why is this our truth? And for people who are like I just can't do yoga freely and feel okay about it, you don't have to Like this is what God has called me and thousands of other people too. But he might call you to something else, and that's the thing that you should do Whatever draws you nearer to Christ, so that he draws nearer to us, because in all of scripture, we always go first, right, god doesn't move. We seek, we draw near, we knock.
Speaker 2:I pray that they really find that thing, because prayer and meditation is challenging, right. The enemy does not want us to be still or to hear from our Father, because that's where we get our assignments, that's where we go change the world. We're not a threat to the enemy if we're not kingdom building, if we're just going to church and doing nothing. That's not a threat to the enemy. If you're the enemy, you're going to want to keep us so busy, so confused, so distracted that you don't get time, and that's where a lot of us are. And so prayer and meditation, obviously, is biblical commandments.
Speaker 2:Resting, taking a Sabbath that made the top 10, right that we would take a Sabbath and honor it. Only those who are of God find that true rest. Non-believers don't find that interesting. So I pray that people just have eyes to see and ears to hear and be. Holy Spirit led to that thing that draws you closer to the heart of God, and for me it's yoga faith. He asked me to start it. I didn't want to start it. I was actually fasting for a job that had a paycheck and health insurance, and I got yoga faith. I got a life's mission and purpose.
Speaker 1:I feel like God has such a funny sense of humor sometimes, where you're like, hey God, I would just love some general direction. This is where I think I want to go, just looking for a little confirmation. Actually, I'm just going to uproot your whole life, thank you, which is great. I love you and I love what you're doing. If I were going to come to hang out with you and take a class or be with one of your yoga faith instructors, what does that actually look like? To do it with Jesus at the center?
Speaker 2:Oh my gosh, it's so beautiful and it's really hard to put words into the beautiful experience. Most of us have crosses that we have at the front and it really just sets our heart and intentions on Him and we all start in prayer. Some of us have worship music playing. If it's power, like I love to teach, it'll be more upbeat and maybe a vinyasa powerful flow. Some of us are more gentle or like to hold postures like yin, but no matter what, yoga faith classes will always include prayer, scripture and just a Holy Spirit-led teacher who says whatever the Holy Spirit places on their heart.
Speaker 2:There's individual prayer. If somebody needs actual physical healing, the postures are all to point to him. Some people do themes like they'll do seated postures as seen in the Bible. We see seated so often when we go and say to God we're ready to hear from you or meditate on him. Flat on the face standing posture typically display adoration, praise or worship. Flat on our back is just surrender. Sometimes we're just like throwing in the towel. We're like I'm done, Lord. So we see a lot of being flat on the back and it's also very vulnerable. A lot of laying in bed flat on the back, tired, crying, drowning in tears, Surrender.
Speaker 2:You'll go through these postures as prayer and as worship, and it's really quite beautiful. Through the day, there's plenty of opportunity to have our hearts broken or to be offended, so backbends are short openers. You can catch me daily doing a heart opener. Just because it gets hurt, it gets never offended. I've learned to live without offense a long time ago with John Bevere's Bait of Satan. It really is the bait of Satan. There's these times where we can open back our heart after it's been broken or jaded or offended, or there's unforgiveness or hatred or anger in there, and so there's specific postures for specific things too, and so, no matter what the class will cover, postures maybe getting upside down and inhaling a new perspective they're so beautiful, but they're also different and unique, as our instructors are all around the world and just teaching from their own God-given anointing, and it's such a beautiful thing.
Speaker 1:I love just how like spirit-led it is and I love that you talked about earlier. You talked about how systematic it's become and yours is God's going to come and do what God's going to do. We talked about this before we hit record, where I told Michelle I don't really prep a lot of questions, the spirit's going to do. We talked about this before we hit record, where I told Michelle I don't really prep a lot of questions, the Spirit's going to lead. However, he's going to lead, which is great. That's how I teach my classes too. Whatever Spirit's moving is how we're moving and grooving that day Amen. I just love the space for Him to come and work and I love what you said about just being still and being able to hear from Him. I think it's a design of the enemy that we're so busy all the time. We're so overscheduled, especially in Western culture. I think it's just like our kids are the most scheduled generation ever. There's so much going on all the time.
Speaker 1:I believe us as parents like overly scheduled too, and I'm like, yeah, of course that just makes sense because there's no time to sit and be present and build relationship and all those kind of things. So I just think that what you're doing is so incredibly beautiful and I'm so proud of you and the work that you do and the way that you pour out to people. I think it's just so beautiful.
Speaker 2:Thank you, lemon, I appreciate that.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So if somebody was listening and they were like okay, Michelle, I'd be interested in exploring more about yoga phase or taking a class with somebody who does this, Because I was a dancer and a cheerleader a lot of stretching all the time. When I looked at yoga, I'm like it feels like everything that I did before and after cheerleading practice to make sure I didn't hurt myself, and you talked about it being an injury prevention too. So if somebody was like, okay, I want to explore this a little bit more, how could they go and explore what you're doing?
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for asking. I hope they would explore it because it's such a beautiful thing and I feel honored and privileged that God chose me. And he did say if you ask me one more time, I will give it to someone else. So that was a year and a half into and I was like, okay, I'll never ask you again, because I was like Lord, what are you doing? And he talked to me again.
Speaker 2:I do hope that people who are interested and who do want to fully worship mind, body, spirit and soul to the creator of the universe, that they would find a local instructor. We have a website with a directory, so our website's yogafaithorg, and then there's a resource tab and under that resource tab is a lot of like free resources and all of that, but also the directory. As far as teaching yoga faith, we are a school. We've been around since 2013. We're the only Christian school that is accredited with the International Association of Yoga Therapists, so that is divine favor. We have a lot of other accreditations, but we have programs that are 20 hours to a thousand hours with our yoga therapy program, and you can take it online. You can come see us in person. You can do a hybrid of both. So if that's of interest to you in spreading the gospel through a yoga mat, yogafaithorg is our website.
Speaker 1:I love this and you guys should go connect with her, because I wish you could just see her. I think Michelle is truly one of the most kind and generous and loving women that I have ever met. You can't help but look at her and be happy.
Speaker 2:I love her.
Speaker 1:She's like a ball of sunshine. If you were going to leave the listeners with a final piece of advice or a final thought that you want to share with them around this whole topic, what?
Speaker 2:would it be In general, not specific to yoga faith? I want to say it's getting late. We need to make sure our homes are clean and we are preparing for a glorious bride to come back. I want to say it's getting late. We need to make sure our homes are clean and we are preparing for a glorious bride to come back. I want to let people know that the enemy has assigned a demon over your rooftop. This isn't the light, fluffy closing remark. This is telling you that the time and the hour is late, and I'm praying that you would begin to really see the enemy's schemes. He's busy. This is his full-time job to prowl and look for open doors and windows. Imagine, because this is true, there is a demon assigned to you, looking and prowling. So I pray that we, as Christians, would rise up and know our authority and power and strength in the Holy Spirit that dwells with us, that Jesus said we're to do greater things, that you would start to protect your thresholds.
Speaker 2:Who comes into your home? Who comes into your car? Who comes into your sacred spaces and relationships? Are you in rooms that you don't belong in? I know that I was. Maybe somebody dragged me there, maybe I wandered in there, but God has new rooms for you and I want to say that he's trying to birth something new and give you a new delivery team. There's a lot of chatter in the waiting room. Many of us listen to that chatter and I mentioned it earlier with lemon. That is distracting and it's taking us away from our calling and our mantle. We are supposed to be getting about our father's business, know that the hour is late and the time is short. Let's get our house in order, our life in order, and prepare for eternity and take people with us. Who are we taking with us and what are we doing to take them with us?
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh. You totally just mentioned some of my favorite scriptures in that closing statement. I agree. This one about Jesus saying greater works, I think personally the hardest scripture for me to grapple with. I feel like I have to read it at least once a week. You said that. I accept that. You said it, but that's wild, so wild.
Speaker 2:But he needs to hear this too. Yes, god is the God who was and is to come. But we are living in the is. We don't know Lot's wife's name. God never said remember Mary or remember Esther or remember. He just said remember Lot's wife. Lot's wife longingly looked back. She didn't just look back. She looked back because she wanted to stay. God is trying to take someone listening to someplace new. You need a new delivery team, but you can't go into the new when you're looking back. We know what happened to her. So I think it's odd that he said remember someone that doesn't even have a name, just Lot's wife. So I wanted to reintegrate to remember Lot's wife and look up, look forward. Stop looking to the left and to the right. It's just pure enemy sent distraction.
Speaker 1:Guys, I'm going to have to bring Michelle back, just so we can have a whole sermon thing from her. You know how to find me. You guys have to connect with her. I'm so grateful that you're here and that this is wild, so for you, I'm so grateful that you're here and that this is wild.
Speaker 2:So for you, I'm so grateful.
Speaker 1:So just thank you for being here. Y'all. Please go connect with Michelle, pause this rewind, get a pen and paper journal about what she just said at the end, because I know that it's for you. So please take it to your father and reflect on what she said. I think there's a lot you can get out of the last 90 seconds of our conversation alone. I just love you, michelle. Thank you for being here. Until next time, friend.
Speaker 2:I love you too and I pray that God continues to bless the work of your hands and give you double portion and double for your trouble, and thank you so much for having me. I'll continue to pray for you and your listeners.
Speaker 1:Thank you, friend. Hey friend, what a joy it has been to share today's journey with you. If you found a spark of inspiration or a nugget of wisdom that resonated, would you bless someone else by sharing this episode with them? It could be the encouragement they need to step into their purpose and calling. Also, if you could spare a moment to leave a review, it would mean the world to me. I really appreciate your feedback and it really helps our community grow. Remember, the road to discovering God's call for you isn't one you have to walk alone. So join me again next Monday for another episode where we'll continue to explore the depths of leadership and the heights of our heavenly calling. Until then, keep seeking, keep growing and keep trusting in his plan. God bless you and I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye, friend.