Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development

Operating from God's Rest: Human Being vs Human Doing | #139

Lemon Price Season 4 Episode 139

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How often do we confuse our worth with our productivity? Join me, Lemon Price, on this enlightening episode of the Milk and Honey podcast as we unpack the critical distinction between being a human doing and a human being. I'll share my personal journey from the brink of burnout, including a significant hospitalization at 16 due to stress, to finding peace through rest and acceptance. Discover the transformative power of shifting our focus from relentless striving to being grounded in our identity and obedience to God, leading to unexpected success and fulfillment.

In the latter part of the episode, I encourage you to share this powerful message with someone who might need a reminder of their purpose. Leaving a review not only helps our community grow but also reinforces that discovering God's call is a collective journey. Stay tuned for more insights on leadership and our heavenly calling. Keep seeking, keep growing, and keep trusting God's plan. God bless you, and I'll see you next time.

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"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Mark 10:45

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Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. Talk about stepping into that overflow that God has for us by becoming those ultimate Proverbs 31 women. Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. I knew God had something more in store for me, but I couldn't see a way out of the laundry piles and, frankly, I resented that. Proverbs 31 woman. How was I going to live up to the hype? That is until I found out how to really step into becoming this Proverbs 31 woman through leadership development. In this podcast you're going to find financial freedom, leadership, growth and motivation so you'll be able to do all the things God has called you to do with ease and really step into that land of milk and honey.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Milk and Honey podcast. I'm your host, lemon Price. Today I am excited to talk about being a human being versus a human doing, and you're probably like, of course, lemon I'm a human being, but are you? Are you a human being? So I want to talk about this concept of a human doing versus a human being. So a human doing is focused on tasks, you're focused on achievement, you're striving constantly, kind of operating from this place of hustle versus a human being where you're grounded in your identity and there's some rest and acceptance kind of there. And when I think about the difference, I can clearly see it in my life, like it's so insanely obvious it's not even funny. So when I am focused on results and achievements and things I have to get done, I hit burnout. And I've done an episode on burnout because I don't think burnout necessarily is bad, but it's like the recovery from burnout. That's a problem Not giving yourself the space. Burnout is pushing yourself past capacity. The only way to expand your capacity is continuously to push past that capacity. But you have to have a recovery period in there. So I frequently at least I used to frequently push myself way past capacity. Then I wouldn't give myself any downtime until I couldn't function anymore.

Speaker 1:

And then I'm in the hospital struggling to relax and rest. I will never forget being 16 years old in the hospital at DuPont in Delaware. We ran all the tests, every CT scan, mri. Every doctor on the eastern seaboard at this point had seen me and they're like I can't figure this out. And then finally somebody was like I think it's her stress, like I think she's too stressed out, and so they're like OK, we can like solve this problem if you could just relax. And I couldn't relax. I got stressed about having to relax because I didn't know how. I was so used to being focused high, achieving and accomplishing something and then moving immediately on to the next thing that I burned out. I spent six weeks in that hospital and I've seen that happen to me a couple of times, where I don't give myself this rest period that I need and then I can't function, all that to say, versus being a human being where you're focused on rest and acceptance.

Speaker 1:

And so I think about this podcast. I'll be honest when I think about being rooted in identity and operating from a place of being, this podcast is not something I actually wanted to start God and I argued about it extensively. I did not want to do this podcast, but I also knew if God was calling me to it, then I just needed to be obedient and lean into what he'd asked me to focus on. So that's what I did and I was like, okay, I'm going to talk about leadership development from a biblical standpoint and that's just what we're going to do. I put effort into the podcast, but not the same amount of effort that I put into other projects. I didn't have this tight grip of control on the the podcast. I was just like, okay, god, I have no intention to really run this podcast, so I'm just going to trust you in this process and whatever you want to do with it. If, like, three people listen to it, totally fine, I'm cool with that. I just didn't have this emotional attachment to it. It wasn't who I was. It had no bearing or reflection on me other than I was being obedient to something God called me to do. And so all that to say because I don't have this tight grip on this podcast and I'm not obsessed with it. I'm not looking for certain benchmarks or results. The podcast has been phenomenal. I have had more success with this podcast than I probably have with anything else, and I've done a lot of really cool things with this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Before we even hit our first year, we were in Forbes and a whole feature on this podcast in Forbes. And then again at that point, 13 months into this podcast, I'm in Forbes again. This podcast is booked out until mid 2025. I say all that to say like I didn't have an expectation and I operated from this place of rest and identity and obedience without an expectation and God has blown the expectation away like far and above. To be perfectly honest, I'm just super grateful for it. So that's what I talk about when I'm talking about being a human being versus being a human doing.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk about the striving and the burnout, because I did that. I even did it last year with Kingdom Alliance. There was something I was striving for and I was so overly focused on it. I remember I didn't get there and I was at the gym. I saw a post come across about some you know, some people like hitting something that I was striving to and I had such a pity party for my like my whole identity was wrapped up in this achievement and I was so disappointed in myself and I cried. You know, I'm from the gym and I called Molly and I was crying and she was like it's okay to be sad, but also and I was crying and she was like it's okay to be sad, but also you're not this thing, like you're so much more than just this one thing, and I was like, oh yeah, I am.

Speaker 1:

And so it's kind of wild to me how I had put so much focus and energy on this thing. That doesn't actually mean it's no reflection of who I am. There's nowhere in scripture that says Lemon has to do this or she's not valuable. That's just not what scripture says. It's not what God says. And so when I let that go and it's pretty recent that I was just like, okay, you know what, lord, you're going to do, whatever you're going to do, and I'm just going to be here and be obedient and whatever you say to do, I'm just going to do that and I'm not going to marry myself to this thing. That is not actually a reflection of you and who you say I am. And so it was a complete shift for me thinking about this.

Speaker 1:

And then again, when I operate and rest in God's strength and not my own, that is where I have real fulfillment, that's where there's true peace. Like I just don't feel so stressed anymore and it's crazy because I actually get more done. And so when I talk about like resting in God's strength, right, or this rest, I don't mean that we're gonna suddenly just, you know, sit on our couch and binge watch the Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, which if you're watching that it's so good. As somebody who used to be a church member, it's so fascinating. So it doesn't mean we're going to sit and watch all eight episodes in an afternoon and be like, okay, I rested. It's not what I mean when I talk about resting, and I say this before Michelle Schaefer.

Speaker 1:

She always says, god, I'll do the work, you handle the results, and I just I'll do the work, you handle the results, like, and I just I trust God and I don't have this tight grip. Because all that happens when I have a tight grip on something, when I'm trying to control something. Squeeze your hand real quick. If you're listening to this, squeeze your hand, squeeze it really tight, like you've got a firm grip on it. All you're gonna do is leave indents in your hand. You're not actually accomplishing anything. Let it go, just release it. However God's going to handle. And, like I said, this does not mean you're going to release it and then you're not going to take any action. But you're not married to the outcome and you don't base your identity on the outcome. You can trust and rest in God that he will provide exactly what you need. So I just don't stress about it. I'll be honest. I just am not stressed anymore about it.

Speaker 1:

So if you're like, okay, I want to stop being human doing and I want to be a human being. I encourage you to do some mindfulness practices. I want you to spend some time in prayer. I want you to capture negative thoughts. Maybe, if you're sitting here and you're constantly striving what does God say about that Satan will use a good thing against you. Maybe you're listening and I'm going to assume you're a phenomenal person if you listen to this podcast, so he's going to take whatever impact thing that you have right.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I don't know you'd like want to go dig wells in Africa. I don't know I'm using such an extreme example, but, like God wants you to start a ministry for orphans in your hometown. Both of those things are good, but maybe digging wells in Africa is not what God has for you and Satan will distract you with a good thing and he will push you to do something. Even if it's a good thing and it makes a difference, it's not the true fulfillment of what God has for you. Digging wells in Africa is wonderful, but maybe God has something local for you that you need to be doing and pouring into. Don't let Satan distract you with a good thing. Focus on the purpose that God has for you.

Speaker 1:

I just saw something the other day. It was like don't tell your kids they can be anything they want to be. Tell them they can be the full potential of who God wants them to be. And I was like, oh, I like that right, because it's less kind of on you and more about growing into this person that God wants you to be and who he's created you to be. I want to encourage you to figure out what God's best for you is not his good, not his better, but what is his best for you in the season, because when you operate in his best and you rest in what is best, things work out a lot better without the stress, without the hustle. That's how it is with my podcast. There is so much less stress on me and yet it is, hands down, the most fulfilling thing I have going on right now outside of my family Professionally. It's so fulfilling and it takes way less of my time. I get to be present with my family and I go do these things. I want to encourage you to figure out what your best is, pray about it and set boundaries with yourself. Learn to say no to things just because it looks good and sometimes is a good thing. Be okay with saying no to it so you can go do the best thing God has for you. Go do the best. I want you to reflect on your current approach to life and then tell me how you're going to start shifting it. I might even use your examples in an upcoming book.

Speaker 1:

I'm working on a book right now. I'm working on this project with my friend, camille, and you'll hear from her soon, I promise, about this cool project we're working on with Kingdom Alliance. I'm excited about it. I was sitting here for weeks like I don't know what I'm going to write about. I know I'm supposed to write something right now and I don't know what it is. Then it was like, oh oh, you need to. You need to be a human being and not a human doing and talk about that and the experiences that you've had. So I'm working on that right now, which is really fun. You'll have a practical insight and spiritual growth. I just shared my table of contents with some, some ladies, and they were like I definitely need this book, so be on the lookout for that.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of books, I would love to invite you to be a part of my launch team too, because I have an anthology coming out in October that I would love to share with you. So if you want to be part of the launch team, shoot me a message on Instagram my Instagram is in the show notes Shoot me a message or find me on Facebook and be like hey, I want to be on your launch team. I will send you an advanced copy of the book. The only thing that I ask that you do is, on launch day, so October 11th, is that you post a review and buy a digital copy for 99 cents, and I have secret prizes and gifts for you for that 99 cents that are worth more than 99 cents. So if you want to be part of the launch team for that anthology, shoot me a message. I'm really excited about it.

Speaker 1:

I'm working on this book, so it's going to be a fun time, an incredible season, where we're just operating from God's best and not from our own sense of strength. I just want to encourage you in that today. I want to encourage you to be a human being and not a human doing. I will see you next week. Hey, friend, what a joy it has been to share today's journey with you. If you found a spark of inspiration or a nugget of wisdom that resonated.

Speaker 1:

Would you bless someone else by sharing this episode with them? It could be the encouragement they need to step into their purpose and calling. Also, if you could spare a moment to leave a review, it could be the encouragement they need to step into their purpose and calling. Also, if you could spare a moment to leave a review, it would mean the world to me. I really appreciate your feedback and it really helps our community grow. Remember, the road to discovering God's call for you isn't one you have to walk alone. So join me again next Monday for another episode where we'll continue to explore the depths of leadership and the heights of our heavenly calling. Until then, keep seeking, keep growing and keep trusting in his plan. God bless you and I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye, friend.

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