Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
The go-to podcast for Christian women seeking to balance leadership, embody Proverbs 31 virtues, and deepen their faith through practical advice
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Do you ever feel lost in the roles of mother, wife, and business owner, questioning your true identity and purpose?
Has the hustle of motherhood and business left you feeling distant from God and yearning for a deeper connection?
Are financial struggles clouding your peace, making it challenging to find harmony at home and in your business endeavors?
I am so thrilled you’re here! This podcast will guide you on a journey to financial freedom, infuse your home with peace, and help you step into your Proverbs 31 leadership potential, all while embracing sustainability and empowering you to feel like the devoted and impactful mom you are destined to be.
Hi, I’m Lemon Price, a certified Biblical Life and Leadership Coach, wife, mother, and homesteader.
For years, I experienced burnout trying to lead the world’s way in every aspect of my life, including family, faith, and finances.
Discovering the virtues of a Proverbs 31 woman and adopting God’s way of leadership transformed my life, bringing peace, sustainability, and a renewed connection with God.
Now, I’m passionate about guiding you on this enriching journey toward financial freedom, impactful leadership, and a balanced, divine life.
If you're ready to embrace the teachings of a Proverbs 31 woman, dive into God-inspired leadership, and step into a life of financial freedom and a tranquil home... Seeking spiritually enriched, practical solutions designed for dedicated mothers and wives... Craving transformative results like deepened faith, harmonious living, and impactful leadership – this podcast is for you!
Grab your Bible and a cup of coffee, it’s time to dive in!
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Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
Pruning for Purpose: How Hannah Williams Shines Her Light in the Beauty Industry | #146
Can finding purpose in your career lead to a more fulfilling life? Join me as I sit down with my dear friend, Hannah Williams, a licensed esthetician and business owner who has transformed her waxing salon into a beacon of empowerment for women. Through sharing her journey, Hannah reveals how she discovered that purpose isn't confined to traditional ministry roles but can be found in everyday interactions. She passionately speaks about uplifting women and reminding them of their inherent worth and beauty as creations of God.
Reflecting on the impact of faith and the Holy Spirit in our lives, I share my own experiences, including moments of drifting and being lovingly steered back by those around me. We talk about the importance of thriving in faith and how even small acts can make a big difference. We recount the inspiring story of a family who sold everything to pursue mission work, illustrating that serving others can happen anywhere. Integrating faith into my beauty business, I strive to be a light to those outside the church, encouraging listeners to trust God and seek His will for true fulfillment.
Navigating ethical dilemmas and aligning personal desires with divine intentions can be challenging, but with faith and a supportive community, it's possible to find joy and purpose. Hannah and I delve into the emotional struggles of leaving promising careers and starting new ventures during uncertain times. We redefine wealth as an abundance of love and relationships, sharing how every closed door can lead to new opportunities. Tune in to be inspired by Hannah's story, her advocacy work, and her unwavering commitment to helping others feel good about themselves, reminding us all to trust in our journeys and embrace our unique purposes.
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"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Mark 10:45
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Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. Talk about stepping into that overflow that God has for us by becoming those ultimate Proverbs 31 women. Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. I knew God had something more in store for me, but I couldn't see a way out of the laundry piles and, frankly, I resented that Proverbs 31 woman. How was I going to live up to the hype? That is until I found out how to really step into becoming this Proverbs 31 woman through leadership development. In this podcast, you're going to find financial freedom, leadership, growth and motivation so you'll be able to do all the things God has called you to do with ease and really step into that land of milk and honey.
Speaker 1:Welcome back to the Milk and Honey podcast. I'm your host, lemon Price. Today I'm very excited because I have my friend, hannah Williams, here. Hannah is the sweetest person ever. We met on Instagram like months ago and instant bond, absolutely love and adore her and what she's about. So I'm going to let her tell you a little bit about herself. Thank you for being here, hannah.
Speaker 2:Thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here. So I am a licensed esthetician. I'm going on my eighth year now as a licensed esthetician. I'm a permanent makeup artist business owner. I opened my business in May of 2021.
Speaker 2:And I just really felt passionate about empowering women and providing services that make us feel good and can have a good experience. Years ago, I had a really good friend who they do mission work and stuff speak into me that we have purpose wherever we are, because I was feeling like I lacked purpose. I wasn't working in a church, I wasn't going on these mission trips, I wasn't doing anything that I thought was special. And I'm sitting there talking to a friend about it and at this point in time, I was already a waxer, waxing people for a large corporate company and doing training for them, and I'm not doing anything special. They're like what am I doing for the kingdom? And she just looked at me and she was like Hannah, you touch people. And I'm like, yeah, I'd have to wax them, like they have to be touched. What do you expect? And she's no, you're literally put in a room and having these vulnerable, intimate moments with people and having great conversations and you have all the opportunity to be the light, or to be that person that they need you to be and to be able to be that light for the kingdom that maybe they sit there and wonder what is it that's in her, and then, oh, now they're curious about Jesus and it was oh my gosh, you're so right. I never thought of it that way when opening my business. That's what was so important to me to just be this light.
Speaker 2:As crazy and bizarre as it sounds, there were and are so many moments that people come in for a wax. By the end we're praying together or they're crying, or they're just so happy leaving because they needed to be seen and heard and valued and reminded of their worth and their beauty, and that, especially in a world that is so physically focused, you've got to be the prettiest and do the filters have the most aesthetically pleasing things. We're all still human and we're not perfect. Comparison is the killer of joy. So the second we start comparing to what we're seeing online, what we're seeing other people doing. Of course, we're not going to be as happy If I could just remind women that you are beautiful the way that you are. It's like you're bashing the artist. You're bashing God. Would you ever look at a painting that an artist did and just be like you? Why did you paint that? No, because that's going to offend the artist so.
Speaker 1:I look at ourselves and speak negatively because we're just benefiting God the artist. I love this and I love one of the things that this is why I brought Hannah on, because, first of all, I love that you're 25. She is a baby and I love this so much because at 25, I was not doing any of the things you're doing. I wasn't talking the way that you talk, I didn't have the sense of purpose. I definitely want to dive into that, because you are light years ahead of where I was and where so many people have been. I love this approach. I want to dive deeper into this concept of walking in purpose wherever God has you right now, because I think it's really easy to look ahead and be like oh, when I get here or when I do this, then I'll go and do kingdom work, but you're like no, we're going to do it right here now, in a way that doesn't necessarily feel conventional.
Speaker 1:Nobody, I feel, is sitting in church. You know where the best mission field is? Actually in a waxing salon. That's my mission field. And you're like no, this is my mission field. Can you talk about this mindset shift that you made? Can you talk about this mindset shift that you made. Can you talk about making that mindset shift?
Speaker 2:So I definitely credit it to, like I said, the friends that I had that were just speaking my life at that point in time. God uses people. The Holy Spirit speaks through us all the time. I firmly believe that was one of those moments. I'm very blessed and thankful that I was raised in a family to know Jesus. There are advantages to all of our stories and at what point we encounter Jesus and we have that shift. Everything we go through adds to that testimony. But for me, I was very thankful to be raised to know Jesus.
Speaker 2:I definitely strayed a little bit around the ages of 17, 18, 19. Thank goodness, though, I came right back, and it was people like that in my life reminding me how good God is, how he loves us so much and wants nothing for the best. He's a father. He wants us to succeed and thrive and be happy. That's another saying that I love. Thrive, don't just survive. He wants us to thrive, not just survive. I've not just survived.
Speaker 2:At that point in time I had still been in that, coming out of straying, so really figuring out what is life. Look, what am I supposed to be doing? And I am a seven on the Enneagram, if anyone knows anything about the Enneagrams. So I do typically tend to be louder, more outgoing. I'm fairly comfortable in myself and because we're all humans, we all do embarrassing things, we're just us. But really figuring out what that looked like and I was comparing myself to a lot of people that did work in the church and did things specifically related to that I was so thankful that these people used to live here in the area that I live in.
Speaker 2:They had four boys. They sold everything and moved to Guatemala to do full-time mission work. From there they ended up moving to Lynchburg, virginia, where they felt like they had been called. She had been having dreams of the city of Seven Hills. They stopped in Lynchburg on their way to Tennessee to see some family and it happened to be the city of Seven Hills. They decided to open a cafe as their way to mission to the community. They already had that mindset of you can serve wherever you're at, because at the end of the day, even a normal person walking into a coffee shop getting some coffee you have no idea what they've been through and just that cashier having a smile on their face and giving them a good cup of coffee could be one of the best things that's happening in their day, and so that was the mindset they lived with is, regardless of where you are, you can reach someone.
Speaker 2:Another mindset they had that I've also taken on is people in the church already have Jesus and God. People outside the church don't always, and if you look at Jesus's life, jesus went and hung out with the sinners. He hung out with the people that didn't know God to be that example and lead them to that. So that kind of feeds back into owning a business. I do a beauty business. People aren't coming there to know Jesus, but if I have an opportunity to be that light and guide them, why not? Having that moment of that struggle of purpose and just being reminded that it's trust God. He's also going to lead you At the end of the day, when we want nothing but his will, we're never going to be disappointed. That's one of my favorite verses.
Speaker 2:That was a mindset shift as well around that time that they were speaking this purpose into me of you can do it right where you're at. Be that light right where you are. I cannot remember the actual book of the Bible, but give me the desires of your heart, lord. That verse I feel like for me was always misunderstood Okay, god, I'm desiring this job or I'm desiring this relationship. Give it to me because my heart's desiring it.
Speaker 2:And they shifted my perspective and they're like no, that is to ask God to give his desires to you so that you can be wanting what he also wants for your life. And that was another shift I began to have that. It was like you know what, god? Yeah, you're right, I don't want all these worldly things being pushed at us because we're going to be disappointed time and time again. But if I want what you're wanting for my life, I'm not going to be disappointed. So that became a shift in my prayers too, of God tell me what you want for my life so I know what to pursue. Help me to stop pursuing these worldly things that don't lead to anything. Help me to pursue what you want. Amidst those prayers, I kept having these doors that would open, these people that would come into my life, these amazing situations, remembering to stop and thanking for that. Thank you, god, for opening this door. Thank you for closing this door. That was another big thing that I struggled with for a long time, trusting, when the doors were shut, that it was from God, because we're human, we want what we want, and that can lead to disappointment, but if you're trusting God to know that he has something better, it's a lot less disappointing and a lot easier to trust and see. Okay, it's a little disappointing, but I know you have something better.
Speaker 2:So actually, while I was at that corporate company was when I very first-handedly experienced that and walked through that season, and because I wanted to grow with corporate, I wanted to keep climbing this ladder and doing better and making more money and whatever it may be. And there was someone I worked closely with who began doing things that I didn't morally or ethically agree with and I originally tried to take a mindset of you know what, not my circus, not my monkey. If that's what they want to do with their life, they can do that with their life and I can still coexist next to them. And it started to come down to things I needed to speak up about. She was actively cheating on her husband and disclosing a lot of those things to me. I took the mindset of if that's what you want to do, whatever, I started to feel really convicted about that, that you know what, hannah, no, you're allowed to say hey, I don't agree with that. I don't want to hear anything about that. I'm sorry that's what you feel is okay, but that's not for me.
Speaker 2:This person also was using some really not great terms, very extensive terms, one of them being like the N-word. This was around the 2020 time, too, that a lot of that was being more brought to awareness. When I tried to say and do something about that, I was told that I couldn't be offended because I was white and doors were beginning to shut in my face. It was like, hey, you just need to know your place, keep your mouth shut. We just need the centers to keep running and so, okay, there are all these things happening that aren't okay. I'm just supposed to be okay with it. Just because I'm white, that doesn't mean I can't be offended. What if my significant other was colored, or my dad or whoever? In general? That's the problem with racism is these people that think it's okay getting by with it because no one's saying anything. So it's like someone should be saying something and making it known that it's not okay.
Speaker 2:I just started to struggle and it became God. I don't know what's going on here, but I'm feeling like I'm trying to do the right thing, but the door is being closed in my face, that I'm almost being pushed out. I almost went through a level of grieving what I thought the life I was going to have was going to be, but then again, that's where I just kept being reminded and by my amazing parents and the people that I have in my life, speaking that into me too of, like Hannah, pray about it. All you can do is pray about it. God is the only one that can either give you the direction or do something about this situation, because obviously these people are not, and so that's the prayer of God. If this isn't what I'm supposed to do anymore, as much as I don't want this door to close, close it.
Speaker 2:And it was then becoming bitter about all of these situations that really pushed me to the point okay, maybe I need to leave, maybe I need to do something else, as much as I don't want to. In my own head, I thought I had this path already laid out. I'm going to grow with corporate. That wasn't what God had, and around that time, I'd actually met my now husband, who was also speaking those things into me too. No, you need to stand up for what's right. This is why these things continue to happen. And it was like, ok, you're right. I stood up. Now we don't know what else to do. We toyed with the idea of me getting out and opening my own business, but it was really scary. It was during the end of 2020, going into 2021.
Speaker 2:So that COVID stuff was all still really weird. And I just kept telling him like I don't know if I can make it, though. Everything's so expensive, like I have to pay monthly to rent a room, I need to buy all this equipment, I need to hope that I have enough clients deep enough. And he was working for a school at the time, coaching and teaching. We all know that coaches and teachers do not get paid near enough money of what they deserve and what they have to deal with and go through. We were about to be getting a rent house together. I was actually going to be moving home with my parents for a period of time as well, just to save some money, until we were able to get to a point of furthering our relationship.
Speaker 2:And he was just like Hannah, I have a decent salary. Yeah, it's going to be tight, but make the jump. I believe you can do it. And it was like, okay, but that was a struggle I had to have with God too. God, am I really ready to leave this company? But remembering that you're opening these other doors and shutting this one, and I have to trust that Now, three years later, into my business, I own a building, I own a billboard, I have an amazing team of about five people, we're developing products online all these things I can look back and see okay, god, thank you for shutting that door, thank you for opening all these amazing other doors.
Speaker 2:I've had so many amazing people walk into my life. I've still continued to walk through some hard season, but that goes right back into. Growth is uncomfortable, and if you're not uncomfortable, then you're probably not growing. Pray about that, god. What do I need to be doing right now? Like the pruning concept sometimes you have to remove certain leaves and branches to allow new ones to grow, and until we let him prune us, we may not be going anywhere. It's accepting that and being like willing to walk through that.
Speaker 1:So yes, I love this whole conversation. There's so many things I want to talk about I love. First of all, you talked about pruning. So it's something we talked about in the Radiant Leadership Academy. It's one of the very first things we talked about.
Speaker 1:Michelle Schaefer, who created the whole thing, lives in wine country in California. She was talking to the growers and they pruned their vines back 90%. Wow, it's a 90% pruning process every single season. What they told her? This is so wild. They were like if we don't do the pruning process, they're like in the next season it will still grow, there will still look lush, but it will bear no fruit. And I was like that's so fascinating. So if you want to have the harvest, you have to prune back these things.
Speaker 1:And it's violent and it's uncomfortable, like prune. Anytime I prune something like I feel so bad. It looks violent, it looks aggressive, it's uncomfortable. But I love that you're at this place like okay, god, if you're shutting this door, then it's for a purpose and I can trust that purpose. I kind of love being in that place. You know almost where you've gone through it enough to be like all right, lord, this kind of sucks, like this whole thing is not comfortable. I'm not enjoying myself. However, I know that you're going to do something with it, so I'm just going to trust this very uncomfortable process that I'm in.
Speaker 2:And I love that you did that.
Speaker 1:Also. I love how insanely supportive your husband is. I think it is so important and it hurts my heart so bad. Every time I talk to a woman who tells me my spouse doesn't support what I'm doing. I'm like that wrecks me to the core. I'm like I hate it for you Because I just think it is so important to have your spouse be on the same page. And I love like your husband sounds like mine, where he's just whatever, just go for it, Like we'll figure it out.
Speaker 1:It was the same thing when I closed my marketing agency. I was the breadwinner at the time and he had taken a job that he really loved but it paid less. You find the job you really love and it just doesn't pay you what you should be paid, and so he had done that because he was like oh okay, great, she's the breadwinner, All is well and good. And then some things happened that didn't align. There was some new age.
Speaker 1:My business partner at the time brought in all new age clients and I was like I can't sit here and do the job and I also can't give them my best quality work At the core. I can't do it. It's not even fair to them. I'm not showing up the best for them either. They're paying for service and I can't adequately deliver. My husband was like, just leave and we'll figure it out. And I was like, okay, and we did and all was fine. It was a huge leap to shut down this business and to do all. It's a big move to me, oh yeah, and now I'm super, I'm obviously I'm super grateful for it.
Speaker 2:It's been a couple of years now and look at what we're doing, doing all these fun things that goes right into god also closing doors and trusting the ones he's gonna open for you, like he was closing that door, that agency, for you okay, this may not be it anymore, but look at what else. And trusting that it's okay, we'll see what you got planned. It's going to work out. Now there's a book called how to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I love that book Just.
Speaker 2:I think everyone should read that book but very much speaks into also that concept too of it is amazing what people can do when they just have the right type of support and encouragement. At that point, like being a kid when you're scared to jump into the pool but you have your parents sitting there I'm gonna catch you, it's gonna be okay. They're hyping you up and it's like you know what, you're right, I can jump and do it. And it's when you have that level of support for me I didn't believe I could do it on own, but having these other people sit around me and look at me and go, no, hannah, you can. I was like you know what I can, and I don't know if it was false confidence or what, but it got us here and I was like all right, you're right, you think I can, so I guess I can. And then, trusting God to lead and carry that through.
Speaker 1:I love that. I just think it is so. I love how God will give you little pieces of the story and then, as you're like, okay, I've hit my capacity here, and of course we don't know we've hit the capacity we're like, oh my gosh, everything is great. And then God's like, hey, but also let me open up this little bit. You're talking about product development, all these things. Look at what else now is possible. Now is possible. I could just see you putting a verse at the bottom of your products. I don't know if you've thought about it. Cookout, they do that. There's a verse at the bottom of every single one of their cups.
Speaker 2:A lot of ideas, but I'm waiting to see. Okay, god, what's a good way to go about this for it to be kind of delivered in the right way to very inclusive in the sense too of what I was talking about with Jesus. Jesus hung out with sinners. He wasn't in the church hanging out with all the perfect people. He wanted to hang out with the imperfect people, and so I try to be very inclusive in that sense too. I want anyone to feel welcome, like, even if you're not a Christian, I want you to walk in here and feel loved, but also, hopefully, feel so loved that you leave. Ooh, I want to have that. I want that more often. I want to know what that feels like. I will never forget, actually and I think this helped grow me into the mindset I have While I was in esthetician school, there was this woman.
Speaker 2:I'll never forget her. I still picture her, I follow her on Facebook still, and we've stayed connected not as much as I would have liked for the impact that she had on my life, and also she had no idea she impacted me this way. Gorgeous woman, super fit, a mom of four. She had been through a divorce, so she was a single mom putting herself through cosmetology school, and every day that I showed up to school, she had the biggest smile. She was so happy. She was this light that everyone just noticed. But she was the kindest person on planet earth. We had some brief interactions, but, her being so nice, those moments just stuck with me. What is it about her that she is just so bright and amazing? So finally, one day I was just like okay, hannah, just ask her, just go up to her and ask how are you so happy all the time? How do you shine like this? I will never forget she had no hesitation in her voice and the biggest smile too. I'm nervous. I'm young, like 17, 18. Hi, how are you so happy? How are you so bright all the time? Because I would love to encompass more of that. And just the sheer, just Jesus. And I just remember sitting there, oh, and she was like yeah, girl, I love Jesus, I have Jesus in my heart and it's Jesus that keeps me going every day. And I was just like, oh, no one has ever answered like she's like Jesus. And I was like, oh, awesome, thank you. And I just sat there and it was like, oh, my gosh, duh, hannah, jesus is the savior of this world.
Speaker 2:And when we have them in our heart, why not shine? Why not? Don't let anyone dull that light? And so it's a reminder of. We do often. Sometimes dull that light because we don't want to make people feel uncomfortable. But we're told to be the light of the world. We're told to never let our light dull. We're told to share the kingdom and the goodness with everyone.
Speaker 2:As I continued to grow, I started to realize, yeah, let's let that light shine. And you know what, if someone's having a bad day and it's my spot, my mile and my kindness that brightens their day, maybe they'll also come back and be like, hey, what is it about you? And I can then have that opportunity to say Jesus, and maybe someone else will. Then you know what? I want more of that and I want to be that bright. I will never forget that moment of simple Jesus. And that's how it should be as a Christian. That should be our answer as to why we're happy or thriving. It's because of Jesus, it's because of the blessings and, regardless of what we're walking through, we should be thankful to have another day, thankful to have the families that we do, thankful to have the relationships and these opportunities. And even I learned in the recent hardships of you know, just growing business, being thankful for those hardships instead of oh, this is exhausting, god, when is it going to end? But you know what, thank you that you're allowing me to walk through something difficult and to have the opportunity to grow from it. Thank you for these first world problems, because so many people have so many worse problems, even recently.
Speaker 2:We had gone on our honeymoon in April to Jamaica. Gosh, jamaica was so beautiful and the people were so kind and amazing. But sitting on the beach one day, this woman serving us we had asked oh, is it going to rain today? It just looked a little cloudy and gray and she made a comment like oh, I hope so, we live off of rainwater. And me and my husband were just oh, we had no idea they lived off rainwater. We weren't concerned about our vacation, but she thought we were. So she immediately was like oh my gosh, no, but I hope it doesn't rain so you enjoy your vacation. Both of us were just like no, ma'am, we hope it rains, that is what we hope for.
Speaker 2:But then having that little reminder of oh my gosh, here are these people praying for rain so that they can have drinking water, so that they can cook, so that they can do their laundry.
Speaker 2:And here we are, being so inconvenienced because, oh, we have to make another social media post or do our laundry and drive to all these places and pick up our groceries or do whatever. And it was like, wow, thank you for these first world problems. Thank you that we're not concerned about where our water is coming and that we're. We are more concerned about how we're going to pay our mortgage or whatever it may be. But thank you for that type of hardship, because that's a blessing that we even have this life to worry about those things, because, at the end of the day, those are all the things that don't really matter. What matters more is our eternity and the eternal life that we're going to have with Jesus and God and heaven, and what matters so much more, too, is how we're affecting the people around us, whether we're being a light in this world or not. I would rather die knowing that I was a light and helped so many other people versus dying with a big house and nice cars.
Speaker 1:It's so funny you say that because that's how I found Jesus too. As my neighbor, I asked her how her and her husband were so happy and she was like Jesus. But I wasn't raised in a Christian household. I was like that was profound for me. I was like 24 and I was like what are you even saying to me, lady? I didn't know. But now, 10 years later, I'm like, oh, that hit very differently and that was also God planting that seed. So before we go, I would love if you would give a final piece of advice to people listening who are like I don't think what I do is super important or whatever it is. What would you say to them?
Speaker 2:Man, I would just say be a light wherever you can be, even if you're in a gas station buying a drink that person that walked in behind you you don't know if they maybe just lost a loved one, lost their job or had a miscarriage Simply just smiling and being that light, showing a little bit of kindness, holding the door for them, that may be one of the best things that happens to them. So just being that light where you are and then trusting God to lead you into what he has for you and wanting nothing but his will I mean that was the biggest pivotal moment for me is really praying God. What are your desires for my life? Help me to desire nothing but that, but also wanting God's will so badly for my life that I really don't want anything that my humanness wants. I pray about that often too. God, is this me wanting it or is this you wanting this for my life? And if it's me, god, please get rid of it. Prune me, take those branches from me. I don't want that. I want what you're going to give me, praying too, that he will help us to be content with that, to be happy with that, to do with what he is giving us opportunity to do, and I really think that, at the end of the day, don't fear what's going to happen next. God didn't give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of sound mind. Instead, want what he wants so bad and trust that it's going to be amazing. Because when you do that, I think that we are also shocked often of what does actually end up happening, but that it's always so much better. He wants nothing but good for us. He's that father that loves us. He doesn't want to see us struggle. He wants to see us being happy, succeeding and having amazing relationships.
Speaker 2:And it goes even into that concept of wealth. I don't look at wealth as having the most money and living the most comfortable life. I look at wealth as having the most money and living the most comfortable life. I look at wealth as an abundance of love and amazing relationships. At the end of the day, when we're all on our deathbed, even God waits till the end of a man's life to judge them. So who are we to judge? At the end of my life, when God does judge everything, I hope that he sees that I wanted nothing but what he wanted for my life and when we just trust that and trust those doors that he opens and walk through them. That is amazing what he can do. It can be scary sometimes when you're trusting him and he's pushing you to that breaking point, but the mountaintops are so much sweeter. Once you've been in the valleys, and so that's what I always try to remember is it may suck right now, but wait till you get to that mountaintop and it is so much sweeter.
Speaker 1:I love this. I feel like we could talk for eons. To be honest, do you just have such depth, do you? I can't wait to see what Hannah at 35 is saying and what Hannah at 50 has to say, because I just know like God is taking you through something so big and has just poured out his spirit to you in such an incredible way, and I feel honored that you are my friend and I get to know you.
Speaker 2:Same for you, though. I'm so honored and blessed to know you because you are seriously such a light and truly living like what God is putting on your heart, and trusting him to continue to bring all that to fruition. You're walking through that and that's amazing. It's such an inspiration to see oh my gosh, ben.
Speaker 1:Thank you, so where can everybody go connect?
Speaker 2:with you On Instagram. We're on there. Hxhstudios is our studios, and then at hairless by Hannah is more of my personal. That's where I share a lot of waxing stuff, permanent makeup, anything geared towards that. Facebook is also at hairless by Hannah. That's our business page Currently. With having this storefront, our goal is to keep growing, creating a place that people can come and get service, feel good about themselves. I'm slowly working on paramedical tattooing and things like areola tattoos for women that have survived breast cancer. I just hired a tattoo artist recently who her son has autism, so she is a massive advocate for autism awareness, and then her mother passed away from cancer and then my dad is actually battling cancer. So we are both all for just bringing awareness to things like that and support and how we can. So that's our goal moving forward, utilizing things like that to reach people and create opportunities for people to give back and donate. Hshstudios on Instagram and Hairless by Hannah on Facebook.
Speaker 1:Thank you for being here, my friend. Y'all seriously go connect with her, because she is amazing. She is the sweetest person ever and I just love her and I know you will too. Thank you for having me. Hey friend, what a joy it has been to share today's journey with you. If you found a spark of inspiration or a nugget of wisdom that resonated, would you bless someone else by sharing this episode with them? It could be the encouragement they need to step into their purpose and calling. Also, if you could spare a moment to leave a review, it would mean the world to me. I really appreciate your feedback and it really helps our community grow. Remember, the road to discovering God's call for you isn't one you have to walk alone. So join me again next Monday for another episode where we'll continue to explore the depths of leadership and the heights of our heavenly calling. Until then, keep seeking, keep growing and keep trusting in his plan. God bless you and I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye, friend.