Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development

Embracing the Moses Journey: Redesigning Our Lives for Divine Purpose | #125

June 17, 2024 Lemon Price, Christian Business Mentor, Leadership, Life Coaching, Speaker, Homesteader, Top Network Marketing Leader, Proverbs 31 Season 4 Episode 125
Embracing the Moses Journey: Redesigning Our Lives for Divine Purpose | #125
Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
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Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development
Embracing the Moses Journey: Redesigning Our Lives for Divine Purpose | #125
Jun 17, 2024 Season 4 Episode 125
Lemon Price, Christian Business Mentor, Leadership, Life Coaching, Speaker, Homesteader, Top Network Marketing Leader, Proverbs 31

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In this episode of the Milk and Honey with Lemon podcast, we delve into the powerful story of Moses from the book of Exodus and how it resonates in our lives today. Join me as we explore themes of leadership, obedience, and finding divine purpose in both the high and low moments of life.

I share personal reflections on balancing a thriving career with intentional downtime to hear from God more fully. Learn practical steps to redesign your schedule, prioritize what truly matters, and embrace the journey God has set before you.

Whether you're feeling on top of the world or in need of a quiet moment of reflection, this episode offers inspiration and actionable insights to help you step into the land flowing with milk and honey.

Enjoy the episode, everyone!

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"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Mark 10:45

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In this episode of the Milk and Honey with Lemon podcast, we delve into the powerful story of Moses from the book of Exodus and how it resonates in our lives today. Join me as we explore themes of leadership, obedience, and finding divine purpose in both the high and low moments of life.

I share personal reflections on balancing a thriving career with intentional downtime to hear from God more fully. Learn practical steps to redesign your schedule, prioritize what truly matters, and embrace the journey God has set before you.

Whether you're feeling on top of the world or in need of a quiet moment of reflection, this episode offers inspiration and actionable insights to help you step into the land flowing with milk and honey.

Enjoy the episode, everyone!

How you can be part of the movement to equip women.
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2. Leave a 5-star review!

Here are the best ways for you and me to connect and grow together!

Step 1: Subscribe to the Podcast
Step 2: Check out my membership here
Step 3: Let's Connect:

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Mark 10:45

Thanks for listening!

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to share this in your stories and tag me! And don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast.


Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. Talk about stepping into that overflow that God has for us by becoming those ultimate Proverbs 31 women. Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. I knew God had something more in store for me, but I couldn't see a way out of the laundry piles and, frankly, I resented that. Proverbs 31 woman. How was I going to live up to the hype? That is until I found out how to really step into becoming this Proverbs 31 woman through leadership development. In this podcast you're going to find financial freedom, leadership, growth and motivation so you'll be able to do all the things God has called you to do with ease and really step into that land of milk and honey.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Milk and Honey podcast. I'm your host, lemon Price, and we are on season four. How insane is that? I'm really excited, honestly. I have a fun season and normally I would take the first episode to talk about expectations, but I did that with the last episode.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to talk about what's been heavy on my heart this week, and it's Moses. I have just been in Exodus, really just thinking about Moses and his entire story, because it feels a little bit personal today and I hope you take something from his story In the beginning of Exodus. It gives you an overview of how the Israelites came to Egypt. So in Genesis we see that Joseph is sold into slavery. Right, he is an Israelite, so he's sold into slavery and then ends up in Egypt and he's very successful in Egypt and he has a place of great honor and he works alongside Pharaoh and all those things. So what happens then that it says in Exodus 1-6, in time, joseph and all of his brothers died, ending that entire generation. But their descendants, the Israelites, had many children and grandchildren. In fact, they multiplied so greatly that they became extremely powerful and filled the land. Eventually, a new king came to power in Egypt who knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done. He said to his people look, the people of Israel now outnumber us and are stronger than we are. We must make a plan to keep them from growing even more. If we don't, and if war breaks out, they will join our enemies and fight against us. Then they will escape from the country Because there was a lack of history, a lack of knowledge. This is the decree that came from this new king, this new pharaoh, and so he ends up enslaving the Israelite people, and it is harsh and it is gross. He goes later on to decree that every Hebrew boy that is born needs to be killed, which I always find so interesting. Whenever there is somebody to be born of a great you know somebody great, right Moses, jesus there is always a decree to go out and kill baby boys.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it is a surprise that abortion in the United States is on the rise. I just don't. I don't think it's a shock that people are advocating so heavily for it. I don't think it's a shock that the world is coming after our children and their identity and really trying to confuse them, because I think that this generation of children that probably most of us are raising or going to raise, I think they're going to do something very powerful. I do. I think that they are just going to be such champions of Christ and have a ginormous impact on at least the United States. Who knows globally what that looks like? But I think that's why there's such a push globally what that looks like, but I think that's why there's such a push.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, back to the story. This is where we meet two women, two midwives, and I love that the first people that are really named are these two midwives, shipra and Pua. And so they hear this, but they fear the Lord. And so Pharaoh specifically tells them hey, when you help a Hebrew woman give birth and she has a boy, kill him. If it is a girl, let her live. But and this is Exodus 117, but because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king's orders. They allowed the boys to live too. He finds out and she's listen, they're like, listen, these Hebrew women, they give birth quick, they're not like Egyptian women and so it's over before we even get there, but because of their civil disobedience, because they knew that the laws of the land were not God-fearing, and so they disobeyed them because they were not God-honoring laws, and I think that's really important. I think the story of Exodus really is about very powerful women who defy the laws of the land in order to enact change, and I just had a really interesting conversation with someone talking about the role of women, and how do I see women as leaders but also believe in us caring for our families, all of those things, and I think women like this are the perfect example. Here are these women. They are still nurturing, they are still caring, they are still pouring out to others, but they also know that this behavior, the things that are happening, are wrong, and so they are leading in whatever capacity they can and having monumental impact At this time.

Speaker 1:

This is when Moses is born, lived with his mother for three months. They make a basket, send him down the Nile, and that is when Pharaoh's daughter finds the baby. And I think what's important from this story, too right, is, she says, in Exodus. When the princess opened it, she saw the baby. The little boy was crying and she felt sorry for him. This must be one of the Hebrew children, she said so. She knew that he was a Hebrew, she knew that he was not an Egyptian baby, and yet she defies her father, she defies Pharaoh and takes the baby in. I think this is important.

Speaker 1:

Moses is raised up as an Egyptian. He has all the perks, all the privileges of being an Egyptian prince Shout out to the movie the Prince of Egypt because that's what Moses is given all of the luxuries, all of the education he's given, all of the things that would be afforded to somebody who was born in Pharaoh's bloodline. Because he is being raised by Pharaoh's princess daughter as his mother, and I think that's important because he is at the very top of society. Because he is at the very top of society. Moses is at the very top of society. He has everything handed to him. He has everything that he could ever want and need.

Speaker 1:

And then we see that Moses is out walking amongst the people. He sees a slave driver being particularly cruel. He kills the slave driver, he buries him and then out of fear, because he knows that people saw people obviously know who he is because he's well-known in the community. People are always watching you. Even when you're doing the right thing, if it's counter-cultural, there can be worldly consequences for it. And Moses had to deal with that. He had to deal with the fact that Pharaoh was like, hey, even though you're a part of my household, not okay. And puts a bounty on his head. Yep, kill him, he's good, we're done.

Speaker 1:

And so he flees to Midian and that is where we see him. He meets his wife, zipporah. He ends up becoming a shepherd and Moses goes from the highest place humanly possible at that time to one of the lowest places he can go. He is a poor shepherd and I think this is a really important juxtaposition here. I think Moses, particularly, is poised to be able to help his people because he knows Pharaoh, he was raised in that household, he understands Egyptian culture and everything, but then also he understands what it is like to be poor, to be on the run, to be fearful. He understands those things and so I think he's in just a very unique situation that nobody else could have done or accomplished. And so, again, what I love about this story is Moses had everything. He was at the top of his game. And then it is when he is at the low point, when he's out tending to sheep. That's when he hears from God. That's when he's out tending to sheep. That's when he hears from God. That's when he sees the burning bush on Mount Sinai. That is when God speaks to him.

Speaker 1:

And so I was thinking about this this week because this has been so heavy and I had a lot of conversations with Brandy the last week just about burnout and feeling like man. I have so much going on and I'm like I feel like I'm not hearing from God as much as I used to. And then I read Moses and I'm like, oh, this makes sense, because career-wise I'm at like the top of my game right now. The podcast is great and I love it and I owe that all to you. Business with Kingdom Alliance is great, like things are happening. There's a lot of really amazing projects coming up. Career wise, I'm feeling pretty good right now and I know that there's more coming. There's speaking engagement, like there's things coming, and I'm very excited about it.

Speaker 1:

I need like a Moses situation, and so it's super interesting when I was talking to Brandy and I just went ahead and redesigned my whole schedule In full transparency. I redesigned my entire schedule to actually give me way more downtime, and I know you're probably like Lemon. That doesn't make sense. Why would you have more downtime when you are at like the top? Because I need the space to decompress, I need the space to hear from God, I need space like that, and so I will tell you like my new schedule and I would encourage you to do this.

Speaker 1:

I went to ChachiBT and I said, hey, listen, here are the things that I need to get done on a weekly basis. Here is when I already have scheduled meetings that are standing and I cannot move them, and here's what I want my day to look like. Here's how I want to feel at the end of the day, here are the things that are important to me, and so I had the long conversation with my husband too. I'm like man, I really love cooking, I really love gardening, I really love being able to just sit and read, and I finished a book this weekend Like I was like, okay, I gave myself the space and the grace and then I was able to have this revelation about Moses and how it pertains to my life, and I'm like, okay, god, I see you.

Speaker 1:

And so when I look at my schedule now, it has me working four hours a day between Monday and Thursday, and I have a three-day weekend pretty much every single weekend, minus a financial freedom call that I go to, and I have a leadership call the second Friday of every month, and so, minus those things, I am only working about four hours a day. And I'm like, oh, there's so much free time in here. I baked in time to reflect and have prayer time, I baked in time to cook and I baked these times into my schedule. And now when I look at my schedule, I'm like, oh, this feels good, this feels really good to me and I can hear from the Lord more fully, but then also, creating these hard limitations on when I work means that I'm only doing the most important tasks. I'm not doing things that aren't impactful. I'm not doing those things anymore, and so I just get to be very intentionally focused. I get to produce better quality podcasts, I get to write better blogs again and post challenges. I'm hosting a challenge starting on Tuesday, the 18th, and it goes through 18, 19, 20th, through the 20th, talking about biblical leadership and godly goal setting and all those kind of fun things, and I'm excited. I'm like, oh, I have space to make an impact now because I stripped things away.

Speaker 1:

Now, because I stripped things away and that's what I took from Moses is, sometimes even we're at the top. We have to strip it down and give ourselves some intentional rest, an intentional quiet time with the Lord to see what it is he actually wants to say to us and the impact he wants to make, because I don't think he wants to take everything from. Maybe that's the plan he has for you, but I don't think he's going to take everything completely for you. But I do think we have to strip some things away.

Speaker 1:

Moses could not really hear from God when he was at the top, when he was surrounded by people who believed in multiple gods, which is what the plagues are. They are believed in multiple gods, which is what the plagues are. It is God flexing on the gods of Egypt, and I think that's important. So the very first plague is God turning the Nile to blood, and one of their gods is the god of the Nile. And then the next one with the frogs, and then the next one with the frogs there, the Egyptian god was basically a frog god of fertility, and then here are all of these frogs, and so, again, every single plague is confronting Pharaoh, with the fact that the gods that he believed in and the gods that the Egyptians believed in were not, and that our god is sovereign over all. And so it's really hard to be in a place where you can hear from God and understand what your full mission is, and I think Moses in this place, he gets a little bit of it. He sees the oppression, he sees this like othering, he sees things that are not right, but he doesn't get the full story until he is alone with his sheep and he goes up to the mountain. That's when he can notice a burning bush that is not being consumed, and so I want to encourage you.

Speaker 1:

I think it's okay to be at the top of your game, it's okay to be in these places where you're writing books and you're speaking and your business is thriving. I think all of those things are important and God gives you them for a reason. But I also think it's important to strip some things away sometimes and to make sure you're baking in quiet time, and I don't mean like 20 minutes in the morning of quiet time. Are you filling your day with work for the sake of doing work and to be busy? Are we wearing busyness like a badge of honor? Have we made it an idol? Or are we saying it's okay that in the middle of the afternoon you know what, maybe while my toddler's napping instead of working, I'm going to read a book. I'm going to get some extra quiet time with the Lord. I'm going to do whatever it is. I'm going to put on worship music while I'm doing dishes or vacuuming or whatever it is. I think that's okay too, and we need to bake that into our schedule.

Speaker 1:

And then I think it's also important to bake like long stretches of time where you are unplugged and whatever that looks like for you. It could be that you, once a quarter or every six months, you let go, especially as moms. Go, get yourself a hotel room for the night and be alone. Go be alone. I'm going to be out at their farm taking care of all the animals, and the service is terrible. At their house. Internet is not great. It's enough to send a text, answer a phone call, but you're not doing any hard work. Situation out at their house on the computer, which I love. That's why I go every single weekend, at least for a few hours, to be completely removed, and it's beautiful and it's important. But I'm going from Friday to Tuesday and I'm very excited to be intentionally unplugged.

Speaker 1:

Glenn and I, whenever we go camping, we go to a spot that has no service. There's no service until you get back into town, and so I love this intentional unplugging. I told Glenn I'm so excited about going to my in-laws because I don't intend to take my laptop and I'm like I'm just going to bring some books and a journal and my Bible and just be alone with me and five dogs and the chickens and horses and the pigs, and just be alone and surrounded by nature and seeing what it is that God has for me while I'm filling my cup back up. And so I just love the story of Moses. I think there's just something so beautiful about being in this place of really high honor, of being in this place of really high influence.

Speaker 1:

And God, really, he changed. He changed the entire course of the world. When he was alone as a shepherd, that's when God gave him his assignment. He showed him a glimpse of it when he was at the highest high, but when he was alone and could really hear from God, it's when he gave him the mission. And here's the thing God didn't give him the whole thing at one time. He showed him piece by piece and told him what to do next.

Speaker 1:

And so I want to encourage you to get some alone time and to be okay with God only giving you a fraction of what it is he has for you. Be okay with only getting a part of the story, be okay with taking the next first step that he's given you. So I want to encourage you to do that this week, design a schedule that will allow you to do that and to get that alone time that you need with him in, and I will see you next Monday, my friends. Bye, hey friend. What a joy it has been to share today's journey with you.

Speaker 1:

If you found a spark of inspiration or a nugget of wisdom that resonated, would you bless someone else by sharing this episode with them? It could be the encouragement they need to step into their purpose and calling. Also, if you could spare a moment to leave a review, it would mean the world to me. I really appreciate your feedback and it really helps our community grow. Remember, the road to discovering God's call for you isn and it really helps our community grow. Remember, the road to discovering God's call for you isn't one you have to walk alone. So join me again next Monday for another episode where we'll continue to explore the depths of leadership and the heights of our heavenly calling. Until then, keep seeking, keep growing and keep trusting in His plan. God bless you and I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye, friend.

Stepping Into Overflow
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