Milk and Honey with Lemon Price™ | Become the Ultimate Proverbs 31 woman through Leadership Development

110. Healing Beyond the Surface: Chelsea Jubilee on Unlocking Cellular Rejuvenation and the Power of Emotional Wellness

Lemon Price, Christian Business Mentor, Leadership, Life Coaching, Speaker, Homesteader, Top Network Marketing Leader, Proverbs 31 Season 3 Episode 110

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Imagine stepping into a narrative where emotional scars are not only acknowledged but also meticulously healed, right down to the cellular level. Chelsea Jubilee, Energize Health's visionary co-founder, joins us to share her empowering insights on transforming health and reconciling with trauma. Her revolutionary approach, which has profoundly affected my own life within a mere fortnight, promises a journey of renewal for our listeners. Chelsea's tale of overcoming personal adversity, including the ripples of divorce on her family, echoes a greater truth: the deep-seated influence of childhood experiences on our life's trajectory, and the dramatic healing that's available through nurturing our cells.

Our discussion with Chelsea Jubilee takes an extraordinary turn into the realm of how our bodies chronicle trauma, often manifesting as physical ailments we can't seem to shake off, even with the healthiest regimes. We examine the body's hormonal responses to stress, the protective weight gain that might ensue, and the startling notion that memories of past traumas could be lying dormant within us, waiting to be released through intentional hydration and healing. Chelsea's insights offer a profound understanding of the body's ability to recalibrate, and might just lead to unlocking parts of ourselves we never knew were imprisoned.

As we close this episode, the theme of forgiveness as a transformative force for health surfaces. We highlight the Mayo Clinic's innovative forgiveness protocol for cancer patients, underscoring the interplay between emotional and physical wellness. The conversation culminates with Chelsea's impassioned drive to share her healing methodology, her collaboration with medical professionals to offer natural alternatives, and the biological bases of anxiety and stress as they relate to trauma. Listeners are left with a sense of hope and the knowledge that there are natural and powerful ways to reclaim one's health, with Chelsea Jubilee lighting the path toward a revitalized, trauma-free existence.

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Speaker 1:

To say that I'm excited about today's episode would be a gross understatement. Chelsea has literally changed my entire life. After this episode that we recorded, I started working with Chelsea. I am only two weeks in and you're going to have to stay tuned to the end so I can tell you what two weeks with Chelsea has been like for me. Hey friend, welcome to Milk and Honey with Lemon.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says in Numbers 14, 8, and if the Lord is pleased with us, he will bring us safely into that land and give it to us. It is a rich land flowing with milk and honey. On this podcast, we talk about stepping into that overflow that God has for us by becoming those ultimate Proverbs 31 women. Hey, I'm Lemon. I am just like you, sister friend. I knew God had something more in store for me, but I couldn't see a way out of the laundry piles and, frankly, I resented that Proverbs 31 woman. How was I going to live up to the hype? That is until I found out how to really step into becoming this Proverbs 31 woman through leadership development. In this podcast, you're going to find financial freedom, leadership, growth and motivation so you'll be able to do all the things God has called you to do with ease and really step into that land of milk and honey.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Milk and Honey podcast. I'm your host, lemon Price, and the amount of words to describe my excitement level to talk about our guest today and to bring her on there, I just told her there's not enough adequate words to tell her what she means to me. So I'm so excited to bring Chelsea Jubilee on here. She is the co-founder and CEO of Energize Health. She is located in Southern California with Molly you guys know Molly. She's been on the show a couple of times and she works alongside of her husband in this just incredible business where she is absolutely disrupting the entire health industry. She has this incredible proprietary method. It's an 88-day protocol to reduce the need for medication, reverse ailments, prevent diseases and energize people at the cellular level. And so, just Chelsea, thank you for being here. Just beyond thank you.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you for having me. I'm so excited to just unpack what we want to talk about today, so I really appreciate you having me on.

Speaker 1:

Oh my, gosh, of course. So I'll give you guys a quick backstory. I heard Chelsea on the Girl Power Alliance podcast only like a week and a half ago, two weeks ago and it was hands down the most impactful podcast episode I've ever listened to in my whole entire life, and all I do is listen to podcasts. As a podcaster, I'm always listening to other people's shows and it was the most mind-blowing episode I've ever heard and I was like I have to meet her and I have to have her on the show. And Chelsea was talking about trauma at a cellular level and just the impact of that and what it does to somebody to have trauma, and it's just, it's mind-blowing. The things that she knows is mind-blowing. So, chelsea, how did you even like get into this space, do you know, like talk about this? Because I never hear anybody talking about trauma at a cellular level.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, it's one of the most common things that people deal with. They just don't know what it is. So, how I got into it in when I was in my early 30s, I unfortunately because nobody ever gets married to get divorced Right, but I unfortunately went through a divorce, and it was one of the hardest situations that I've ever experienced emotionally in my life and I've been through a lot, which I could talk about a little bit later in the show, but just seeing what that was doing to the kids you know we have three kids, twin boys and our daughter Seeing what that was doing to the kids was just so heartbreaking, and I just kind of went on like a soul search, like how did this happen? And you know, and I was, I'm Christian, I go to, you know, the same church as Molly does. Actually, it's how we know each other. But I was just really like asking God, like what happened, you know? Like just having really honest conversation Like how did my life get here?

Speaker 2:

You know, I was very successful, I used to do banking and was a mortgage broker, and I just had this perfect dream life, and unfortunately, though, the husband that I chose to marry was not what I would call a healthy husband. So, as I ventured in my marriage and just realized, like wow, this is a very toxic, unhealthy relationship and I think a lot of the years that I was married I tried to hide it with friends or family. He was very controlling at times, so there's just, you know, attributes of him that weren't healthy, and so I ended up leaving to try to give my kids a better chance of recognizing and realizing what healthy love looks like. But in the midst of that, it sent me on my own journey of realizing. Wow, like my own trauma that I experienced in my childhood played out in the type of relationship that I chose to get into. Because, at the end of the day, like there's still something that wasn't right in me to be married to somebody like that. And I'll never forget I actually was in therapy session as I was going through a divorce and she looked at me and she goes wow, you know, I'm trying to wonder, like, what may have happened in your life that you would have even chose to marry someone like that?

Speaker 2:

And that was like a question that really provoked me to like go deep, like wow, like that was very, you know, not something you ever want to hear right, because most of the time we just want to play a victim or like oh, he did this, he did that, you know. But it's like well, yeah, I'm on very unhealthy boundaries in my life. I didn't even know what a boundary was or even how to set one, and so I had to like, venture and dig through a lot of my wounding as a child that I experienced, that even led me into a relationship like that and thought it was okay to be treated like that. In the midst of that, I was in conversation with one of the leading brain experts at the time and she told me you know, it's really good that you're unpacking and dealing with trauma that you haven't really been able to resolve, because you would end up really sick. And I'm like wow, I'm like, really, like, why would you think that? Because I'm young, I'm healthy, like, why would you even think that she goes? Well, there's a lot of science to prove it.

Speaker 2:

So she started showing me the science behind this and I got so intrigued I literally left my career. So I was 15 years as a mortgage broker. I gave it all up because I knew, like God, this is a path that God wanted me to go down, and once I got and achieved my healing, I knew I would be able to help so many other people dealing with the same thing, and what I discovered was that trauma impacts your cells. So it actually trauma gets trapped in cells, which impacts every area of your life. So it's very interesting. I can't wait to talk about it more throughout the show. So it's very interesting. I can't wait to talk about it more throughout the show. But that is the essence of how I got started.

Speaker 1:

It actually came from my own pain, oh my gosh. Ok, so we both know Molly really well. I'm sure you've heard her say your story is meant to be mentorship for someone else and that's all I can think about like how they get God really did just let you kind of walk through this because he knew you were going to do something absolutely miraculous with it and like really partner with him in this. I think the first time I ever heard about trauma being trapped in the body is with that book, the Body Keeps Score. I'm sure you've like seen it, read it, but I was like I was so fascinated by it. I'm like how does something like external, you know, end up trapped in my cells, like my brain? I'm such like a science and mathy person but I'm like my brain cannot comprehend how this even happens and then how it impacts us. I would love to yeah, if you want to break that down, because that to me is beyond fascinating.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. What happens is, when a body experiences trauma, the first reaction that a body will have is the first time it'll ever go through like a fight or flight response when trauma is triggered, so that actually the immediate, the day that happens that trauma goes through it completely throws off the body's balance of the nervous system, of the intricate system, the immune system, lots of systems are affected, because when you're put in fight or flight, you have your body's pumping adrenaline and cortisol out at massive amounts. Well, when you go through that enough, like people that have been through a lot of trauma, whether you've been through a little or a lot the body, that whole body, keeps the score. Well, that is a hundred percent accurate. We already know that and science has proved it. But the question, like your question, is how does that happen? So what happens is the trauma actually will get trapped at a molecular level inside the cell, and they've been able to prove this now scientifically, showing that the trauma gets trapped in the cells, in memory and in tissue. So a lot of the times what happens is weight will be kept on somebody. So a lot of women or men out there listening to this like, hey, who's had trouble losing weight. How many of you have had trouble losing weight? How many of you have tried everything to get rid of your weight but it just won't come off? Well, those are people that we deal with all the time, and the reason is because the weight is actually staying as a protection mechanism on the body. That's why a lot of people that experience or go through trauma, they will start gaining weight and they don't even realize why they're gaining it. That's one way that the body's actually designed to protect itself. Another way is trauma gets trapped in cells, is through memory, and what happens is the brain will actually start to shut itself down to protect so that you can continue to survive and live a normal life.

Speaker 2:

So that's why, with our protocol, we teach intracellular hydration and what that is. It's the body should mostly be water. So, as women, we should be 55% hydrated at, just for optimal health, because God designed human body to be mostly water. Men should be 60 because they carry a little bit more muscle and muscle has water, and so they tend to run a little bit more on the hydration level. Now, most of the women that we deal with that come into Energize. Now, if you could just imagine this for a second. They are in their 30s or 40% hydration 30 or 40. So that means they're literally 15 to 20% low on body water. Okay, now your body's ability to function without water? Okay. Well, your body will start to break itself down. That's where diseases come from autoimmune issues, digestive issues, migraines.

Speaker 2:

Literally, you can take anything that is either a disease or something that someone's dealing with and treats it all the way back to dehydration of the cells, because your body was designed to function and run on water. And so why is this important? For trauma, the brain is almost 75% water. The brain is an electromagnetic organ, so what that means is it functions on electricity and water is a conductor of electricity. So what happens is, as you start to hydrate your cells, you're turning new areas of the brain on that haven't been tapped into in sometimes 30, 40, 50 years.

Speaker 2:

And what's sitting in those brain areas that haven't been tapped into? Ah, it's trauma that's trapped in the memory of the cell. So as we start to wave through the brain and turn the lights back on, because if you're just 10% dehydrated, half of your brain synapses are shut off. They don't even communicate with each other. So you know, we can lead another podcast on what that does for productivity and stuff in leaders. That probably should be for another time, but just speaking in terms of this trauma. So what happens is it's the brain's ability to shut down so it can protect itself and continue to survive. As we start to turn the lights back on the new areas of the brain that haven't been hit and we start to purge that out of the body, then the body will naturally enter a state of pulviostasis, which is just meaning that the body's at peace, and that's why the weight will start to come off. You know, you'll feel better, you'll have more energy. That's essentially like what happens with trauma and it being trapped in cells and how to get rid of it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that is mind-boggling to me and that's honestly what did it for me when I listened to the podcast. It's hearing you talk about some of these symptoms, right, like the digestive. That's exactly what happened to me when I started packing on weight and all these things. My gut completely shut down. They removed my gallbladder because they were like, oh, you have this thing and this thing, and so it must be a gallbladder issue. And so, like, I had my gallbladder removed. I've had a hysterectomy, like all these things have happened and I'm like, wow, there's again.

Speaker 1:

I can now see the direct correlation between like a trauma happening and, within 12 months, something in my body shutting down and then hearing you talk about it being stored in memory and in these parts of your brain. Is that why? And maybe, like maybe you don't know or maybe you do, I don't know, but is that why, like, when you experience trauma, you have like like time blackouts, right, like there's like pieces of time that you're like I just have no recollection of this time period of my life. Is that why? Because your brain's like shutting down that part of the brain?

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's why so many people that experience and go through our protocol it's 88 day experience. I mean it is really interesting how many we've helped, thousands of people, and it is so interesting how many of our we call them transformers. They will literally start to say I have memories that are coming to me. I didn't even know happened and also I'm dreaming again. When you start, you know the brain is such so complex as it is and we'll just kind of focus on this one organ for right now but the brain is so complex that, absolutely, in order for the body to survive when you experience a big trauma, yeah, it'll almost like black out what happened, but that doesn't mean that the bond that it's not in there, right. So you may not remember it, but it's trapped way deep down in that subconscious level which, by the way, is how we live 90 to 95% of our life, right? So if I were to say, hey, go get in a car and just start driving like you don't have to activate your conscious to go, oh, how do I drive? Do I press a button or no? You already know how to do it because you're so used to living like it. You just go get in the car, press the button and you're driving. Well, that's subconscious memory. Most of our life is lived out of that, and so think about when we're programmed through trauma right? So the first 18 years of our life are really what set the stage to program like how we live life, which is why trauma.

Speaker 2:

There's all kinds of studies out there. One of the biggest that I would invite your listeners or people watching to go take is the ACE study. That's A-C-E it stands for adverse childhood effects, and that study was one of the biggest medical studies. Over 17,000 people were in it, and they found how obesity is linked to trauma, and what they were able to find out, though, is all the different areas in which it impacts your life. So, for me, mine didn't play out in weight or anything like that line played out in dysfunctional relationship.

Speaker 2:

Some people it's horrible spinning habits, it's shopping, it's addictions, it doesn't matter what it is, but it stems from a root somewhere, and so that's where that's kind of like what we start to dig into with the protocol, but we do it in such a gentle, loving, easy way that it's so easy for anybody to follow, and we allow the body because your body, god designed the body to heal itself. So we allow the body to start opening up different areas of the brain that haven't been, you know, open in a very long time. We had people in their 60s that said I've never told anybody I was sexually molested. Well, one of the first steps to healing is even talking about it, right, so that brings healing. And as this trauma is released from the body, when the body's at a state of peace, it can heal itself. So it just does what it was designed to do. So we're just helping to bring it at that peaceful state we're just helping to bring it at that peaceful state.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh. Okay, I feel like I could probably talk to you for 75 hours about this, because every time you say something I'm like man. That just like unlocks this new thing that I'm thinking about and it just man. Oh, I love Chelsea, I love what you, I am obsessed with what you do. So I would love to like how I guess, yeah, like, I would love to know, because I think people might listen to it and get a little weird. Like is this a little new science-y, weird stuff? But we were talking earlier and you're like there's some Bible, like there's scripture to back up what you're talking about in the body. Can you talk about what God says about some of this? Because that I also find super fascinating.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean. Well, first of all, god calls us to be in health right and to honor and take care of our temple. So you know, that's first and foremost. So maybe there's people out there that aren't really doing that. They're not eating the way that they should or they're not exercising, they're not doing things that we know just help will make us healthy to begin with. So the ARP protocol helps people like that too, because we put it in such a simple way and method and accountability and all that. It's like three different protocols packed in one, so it's an all-in-one type protocol that can help people with that.

Speaker 2:

Now we do deal with a lot of people that they're like hey, listen, I'm already drinking a ton of water, I'm eating a bunch. You know I'm eating great Like I'm not eating a lot of food, I'm eating what I should be, I'm exercising, I'm doing all these things, but still I don't feel well. I'm on medications, I feel fatigued, I still have digestive issues. So what we do for those people is the same thing, right, but we just unpack like, especially for Christians, like there is Bible scripture that talks about, like, generational sins being handed down and there's a lot of science that actually proved that. So one of the things that God really, I think, helped us develop is the Bible, but put into science so that normal, everyday people that aren't Christians even can understand like, oh well, this is a real thing. So there's lots of studies that have been done on how DNA changes actually take place when trauma is happening in the body. So there's something called epigenetics. Anybody can Google it, look it up, and it's even how your DNA is expressed throughout your life and your childhood especially. So there's so many diseases that people say are genetic, but it's not necessarily because they're genetically handed down. They're more behaviorally handed down. So that's like another big thing right that we talk about.

Speaker 2:

So I just want I think the biggest thing is, I just want people to understand that we don't have to be victims and that we can take control of unnecessary things that have happened to us, especially like the first 18 years of our life or even on right, like people we've dealt with, people that have been sexually abused or raped and, you know, old as they were, over 18 years of life. So anything traumatic that's happened to us right Like the body doesn't have to hold that or keep that. There is a solution to let that out, and I think the number one thing that I could say to like your question is we've helped over 5,000 people, okay, and we know that one in four women have been sexually abused. That's this national statistic. By the way, now I believe it's higher based upon all of our clients, and that's just what's reported. And now I don't want to discount men either One in six men are sexually abused, and I believe that's higher too.

Speaker 2:

However, data doesn't lie right. So if I can pull data on 5,000 people and go, okay, half these people were already doing all the things that the world would tell you should make you healthy and skinny. And then we take them through our protocol, which unlocks the cell's ability to not only become hydrated but to let trauma out of the body. And here they have these unbelievable experiences. They're not on medications anymore, these unbelievable experiences. They're not on medications anymore. They're reversing their diseases that they had, including autoimmune and things that doctors say can't be reversed, and they're losing weight. It's just shedding off of them, but they're not really changing that much of what they did, other than a few tweaks, right? So that's what I love to just ask people like why would that be happening if the science weren't true?

Speaker 1:

I literally I love everything that you say. I'm just like this is. It's so mind-boggling to me how like I just don't understand why more people don't are doing this because when you because I've seen, you, know, know you guys are going to get like all the TMI fun stuff right. But I was telling Chelsea before we started like I had things happen. I watched weight pack on and since the like onset of something traumatic, I put on 150 pounds. I'm like I put on a whole other person and I'm healthier than my very fit husband.

Speaker 1:

I blood work says that I should live to be like 300 years old because it's so good compared to his and it irritates. He's irritated for me. I'm irritated for me. I actually had a doctor one time. You're going to love this. So I'm hypothyroid Shocker. I feel like you probably see that all the time.

Speaker 1:

But I was on the thyroid diet, I was doing all the things and I went into her office one time and she looked at me and she said you've like kicked yourself into hyperthyroid. She's like I don't understand how you like gained four pounds since your last visit. If you're hyperthyroid and she was like I think you should just have weight loss surgery, then she's like cause I don't see another option for you. And I'm like this cannot be the way God designed the body Like. This just doesn't.

Speaker 1:

I'm a very crunchy person. We like make our own medicine, like I'm a weirdo, and so I'm like God gave us all these things, so I'm going to use them, and I'm like there's no way that God designed the body to function like this. And so hearing you say, yeah, you're right, god didn't design the body to function like this and hearing about you know, I grew up in like the big pharma world. I grew up around a bunch of doctors and I constantly would hear well, it's just genetic, this thing is just genetic, and that's. That just seems like such a lie from the enemy, designed to keep people stuck. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And going back on your earlier question about Bible scripture, so this I think your listeners and even people watching will find this fascinating too. Webmd and the Bayon Clinic. So Bayon Clinic is one of the largest, okay, and most well-known medical facilities in the nation. Okay, so Bible talks about the power of forgiveness. Right, you need to forgive people. Don't harness bitterness, don't harness resentment, any of that.

Speaker 2:

Well, do you know that there's science to prove that's trapped in the cells too. So this is what I'm saying there's so much Bible scripture that's like, there's science to it of like, oh, that's why God says not to do that, because it actually influences our health. And so Mayo Clinic has realized the power of forgiveness and letting. If unforgiveness is harnessed in the body, it will make you sick. And Mayo Clinic now has a forgiveness protocol in their cancer ward, and they are not spiritual by any means. So for a facility like that to now have a treatment on forgiving people in your life in their cancer ward, I would say that there's a lot of science to prove that's true. So, yeah, it's very fascinating. You know the amount of what the body holds that makes us sick, and we're the protocol, we're giving all the freedom for the body to just release and let go of all of it.

Speaker 1:

I love that so much. What I love that you said is basically like these things have always been true, right, they are eternally true. This is something God has orchestrated from the very beginning, and science is just now kind of catching up to what God already told us about our health, our wellness, about our bodies as a whole. And I just I believe with every fiber of my being, the work that you and your husband do is hands down some of the most transformational work that I have ever heard about in my whole entire life. So you know me, I will go on and on about how incredible I think what you're doing is, but I would love so if somebody was like all right, chelsea, I want to work on this. Like I can identify the migraines, the digestive issues, the weight gain, like I, the fatigue I see all that in myself. What would be like their next step? What is it like to work with you guys? Like I think everybody probably should in some way shape or fashion? I think everybody's trauma.

Speaker 2:

So just yeah, well, I would just lead them to energizedhealthcom, our website, and from there there's a 30-minute masterclass they can watch to just learn a little bit more about what we do and who we are and get to know us a little bit more. But then they can get on a free call, a free consultation. We really want to unpack and understand what they're going through and what they're trying to get rid of. You know we have the money back guarantee because we know look, if you're listening to this, if you're like I've tried everything and nothing's worked. Well, imagine the level of skepticism we get right from people that have already tried all that. And there's so much information out there on health and wellness and things to try and pills to take, and so we understand that and we, you know, we have a letting back guarantee because of that. So they'll get in touch with one of our master level enrollment coaches. We'll be able to talk to them, explain exactly, like what the protocol is, what they'd be doing. It's not a magic pill. There's no magic pill on the planet that can make you happy and get rid of things that's trapped in the body. It's no magic water, because the same is true for that. It's a protocol of six simple steps that we're going to walk you through over 88 days, and we make it very simple and easy for anybody to follow. We have people in their 80s that do our protocol, so even this is amazing too for parents anybody that has parents that are really ill or sick or on medications it's so easy they can follow it as well.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I just really I think one of the biggest things, too, I just want people to understand that are listening is, you know, we don't have to be a product of what happened to us and there's so many issues between how we live our lives, how we're spending money, the relationships we may have ended up with, the lack of being able to set healthy boundaries, the lack to be able to lead the way God wants us to lead, in less of a hierarchical position, more of a servant position. Right, there's all these things that we have to work through to be able to operate out of a place of just being healthy and the way that we are, even in our mind, body and spirit. Right, like that plays out. Are we tired when it comes to being 1 or 2 pm? Are we, you know? Is our dehydration showing? Are we aging? Is our hair less you hair less healthy, Like? There's all these things that play out that people recognize, right, and what we always love to say too, especially to the Christians, is it's very difficult to live out your purpose of what God designed and developed your specific purpose for, when you don't feel well, and that's why the Bible talks all.

Speaker 2:

There's lots of scriptures on health in the Bible and it actually there's one scripture that talks about. Health is one of the most important things, and the reason why is because if we're not taking care of our bodies and our temple, then we can't go do what God's asked us to do. How many people have ever had a, you know, something debilitating happen sink, a migraine. Tell me how on fire you are to go preach the gospel when you got a migraine right. So it's just things like that.

Speaker 2:

It's hard to lean into people under you. Or maybe you're in network marketing or you know you're running your own company, right, or you have a team of people you're working with. It's really hard to lead people. And also the other important thing is you want to lead by example, right? So more is caught than taught. So you may be teaching the right things, but more is caught by the way you're living your life, and people pay attention to that and they learn from that, and so it's just there's so many aspects of why being healthy in your mind, body and spirit is important to live a healthy life.

Speaker 1:

I love that you treat the whole person, that you're covering mind, body and spirit. I think that is it's just key. I remember listening to the episode you did with Molly and I called my husband and I was in tears and I said, for the first time I feel like somebody actually sees me and actually understand and they're not, and they see the whole person, they see that I'm a believer. They like, they're here to treat all of it and I again, I think of what you do is just so important and it's really like just thinking about these things. I can see when you know like I've had to cancel a team meeting or something because the migraine popped up. You know it. I've had to cancel a team meeting or something because the migraine popped up. You know it's 2.30 in the afternoon my time, guess what. The yawning is starting. It's a thing I have to. I just want to drink a whole pot of coffee every day. It's just. This has become like my normal and you're.

Speaker 1:

I love it doesn't have to be. We don't have to be a product of things that have a profound statement, and I do. I think the enemy wants us to feel like this, feel like perpetual victims. Keep this trauma track so we can't go do the things that God has called us to do, and so I am eternally grateful that you discovered this that you like and then you went all in on it, right With your husband. How cool you get to do this with your husband. You guys are working together in a healthy relationship, right. All the things happen right Because you worked on your trauma. Now, look, you've got a healthy business, a healthy marriage. All these things are just working for you, instead of there being friction and tension and just not operating at your highest and best. So, chelsea, just thank you. So I will link to your website. Is there anywhere on social too? They should go to connect with you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, just Chelsea Gimbley. You know it's interesting. We've never really focused a lot on social, so we're not really out there much on social media, but a lot of people are like you need to get into the space. So we're going to be starting to do more of that. Starting to do more of that I think our focus has really just been trying to reach, you know, people on television, through doctors, things like that. Because we actually do partner with, like boot camps, doctor offices, because people out there, like doctors, want to help. They just don't have the tools right. The only tools they're really given are pharmaceuticals here, right, let me write you this prescription, right, but we're trying to partner with them to say, hey, look, you can prescribe, in a sense, right, the protocol, it's all natural and you can do what you really got into this business to do, which is help people. And so, yeah, energizehealthcom is probably the best place right now for them to go. We do have Energize Health social media channels as well.

Speaker 2:

But I'm just one last thing that I would love love to say to when it comes to half you know, half adults are on some sort of antidepressant, anxiety stress med, and one of the biggest reasons for that is because trauma throws off the stress response system and trauma also again shuts down areas of the brain. And so when if you can imagine if you turn half your lights down right now in your podcast room, right, if you can imagine if you turn half your lights down right now in your podcast room, right, it's really difficult to be able to navigate like things that you want to see, right. But when you start turning all the lights back on, it's amazing what that does for people getting off those medications or feeling well again, because that is like a rabbit hole Any type of anxiety, stress, depression. It just rabbit holes in the deeper, darker things that a lot of people they don't want to talk about because they're ashamed by it. And I just really want to tell people I feel that just mentioned this that you don't have to be ashamed.

Speaker 2:

There's literally a biological reason that's happening, and so I just want to speak directly to the people right now that might be feeling anxiety or stress. And, by the way, the number one thing of trauma is trouble breathing, right? So maybe you have trouble breathing and you might find yourself at moments where you're like I got to take a deep breath, because that's the body's way of calming itself down. So I just really wanted to touch on that before we left because I felt the Holy Spirit prompted me to mention that. So I think someone's listening that needed to hear that.

Speaker 1:

That could have been me. I can never take a proper exhale. Maybe it was for me and for, oh my gosh, the commentary that I get from women who listen to this podcast. Anytime we talk about trauma and things which I don't always do because it can be really hard for people to talk about trauma, but it always the amount of women that I know are going to be impacted listening to this episode. I already know it's the work that you do. Again, it is just.

Speaker 1:

I cannot share enough how important I think the work is that you're doing and I really do think that what you hear right now, at this time, to do this exact work, because of the impact that you are going to have, not just on your clients right, we talked about this before we recorded but I mean family, entire generations, I think will change because of the work that you are doing, and I just want to thank you for stepping into that obedience and stepping into the calling that God has for you, because it can be scary to do something new.

Speaker 1:

Right, you walked away after 15 years in a career to go do this, to do this thing, and it is. I have no words for just how impactful I think this is and how important it is for you to share what is going on. I feel like you need to write like 700 books and all of the things, because people need to know what it is that you're doing. So, really, chelsea, thank you so much. I'm going to have to bring you on again. Maybe we should do a whole series throughout, talk about productivity and all those kind of things, and I would love to. I would love to bring you back again just to dive even deeper on this topic, cause I know we can. We could definitely go deep, yeah Well.

Speaker 2:

I would love it and you know, like we talked a little earlier before the podcast, that you know if you're willing to want to try the protocol and you could share it. You know your experience right. So just your honest experience on the protocol and maybe what's happening over the next. You know 88 days or so. You know the invitation is there, so oh my gosh.

Speaker 1:

Well, just thank you so much, chelsea. Like I said, we're going to get you back on again to just talk about this even more. You guys are going to hear me talk about it because I'm obsessed with what you're doing and I want to go like tell every doctor's office in my area and every person that I know about what you're doing, and I want to go like tell every doctor's office in my area and every person that I know about what you're doing. So just thank you again, chelsea, for being here and just sharing all of the wisdom that you have.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, thank you so much. I really appreciate it and, yeah, I'm really looking forward to you know, just being able to help people, because it is a legacy, right, like the way your help is literally played out in your parenting, in every area, by the way. So, yeah, and then that goes on. Your kids leave healthier lives, right, and you impacted your generation and your legacy of your family, and so that just has an impact across the nation and, eventually, the world. So I just I feel honored to be on here and I just appreciate it and I just thank you and look forward to, you know, our continued relationship.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you heard it here Chelsea is a world changer and a legacy builder, and so you have. If you want to change the legacy that you're leaving right now, if you want to do something different, if you want more energy to play with your kid and to just be more productive in business and all these things, please reach, please, for the love of all things, please reach out to her immediately. I will link to everywhere you can get in contact with her in the show notes, but please go reach out. So again, just thank you guys for being here, thank you for listening to this episode and I will see you all next time. Okay, tell me, you're not obsessed with everything Chelsea just said to you.

Speaker 1:

I talked to Chelsea and I promised you guys in the very beginning I would tell you what my results have been like working with Chelsea for the last two weeks. Okay, I'm just in the prep. I just got out of the prep phase of her program. I have lost over seven pounds I have. My BMI has gone down. My body fat percentage has gone down by 2%. In 14 days I have lost 2% of my body fat. What it is amazing. So Chelsea's amazing. She loves Jesus, her and her husband. They love Jesus, they pray on every call, and so if you're looking for something to help help, I've linked to everywhere you can connect with Chelsea. But please seriously reach out, because I was skeptical. I have tried everything, I've done everything and nothing worked. And this is the first thing that's worked and I feel good. I feel really good, and my family notices a difference, and my friends notice a difference, and my face is less puffy, and all of these things have happened in 14 days. So reach out to Chelsea. If you're like I can't do one more thing, give Chelsea a try. I promise, give Chelsea a try and I will see you all next time.

Speaker 1:

Hey friend, what a joy it has been to share today's journey with you. If you found a spark of inspiration or a nugget of wisdom that resonated, would you bless someone else by sharing this episode with them? It could be the encouragement they need to step into their purpose and calling. Also, if you could spare a moment to leave a review, it would mean the world to me. I really appreciate your feedback and it really helps our community grow. Remember, the road to discovering God's call for you isn't one you have to walk alone. So join me again next Monday for another episode where we'll continue to explore the depths of leadership and the heights of our heavenly calling. Until then, keep seeking, keep growing and keep trusting in his plan. God bless you and I'll catch you on the flip side. Bye friend.

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